Browse Items (32 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1946-10"

Application made by Sarah Green requesting £47 on 14 October 1946. Covered by request dated 25 October 1946 from Customs and Excise requesting clarification of information on the form.

Writes they are thinking of her and stockings being sent. and hopes lack of have not caused her catching a chill. Discusses family activity and news.

A man, in tropical uniform, is squatting in front of a cactus bush. In the background a featureless, desert-like landscape extends to the horizon. On the reverse, 'me, a cactus bush and the wilderness of India!!' and, 'Taken outside camp', and, 'Oct…

Photo 1 is Valetta cathedral.
Photo 2 is the Armoury, Governor's Palace.
Photo 3 is a street view, looking towards the cathedral.
Photo 4 is a street view with goats.
Photo 5 is Valetta harbour with six ships.
Photo 6 is an ornamental…

Five men standing in line. The two on the left wear overalls and the second from left is shaking hands with Roy Chadwick wearing coat and hat in the centre. To the right another two men both in overalls. The man on the far right is wearing side cap.…

A street scene of Maala with people and carts. On the reverse 'Market Place and Bus terminus at Maala. Aden Oct.46'.

Six airmen on a rocky headland at the beach. On the reverse each man is identified and 'Aden Oct. 1946'.

Six airmen and two bicycles. On the reverse 'The Club having a breather in Steamer Point. Aden. Oct. 1946'.

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A football team posing as a group. On the reverse each man is named and 'Aden. Oct. 1946'.


Five airmen standing on a pavement with a bicycle. On the reverse 'The Club, outside our favourite stopping place, The 'V' Restuarant[sic]. Aden Oct 1946'.

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An airman holding a child on his bicycle. The boy is wearing a pith helmet. On the reverse 'Johnnie and Peter, Aden. Oct. 1946'.


Seven airmen arranged on and around a small boat. They are displaying tiny fish that they have caught. On the reverse 'The Barren Rock Fishermen Aden. Oct. 1946'.


The nose of Lancaster 'Aries' with the front lifted up for maintenance. Two ground crew can be seen working under the nose. On the nose is painted 'Aries' and a list of locations the aircraft had been flown to.
On the reverse 'Cockpit and nose of…

Air-to-air view of Spitfire Mk 16 TE405 F-JVM of the Central Gunnery School over open countryside.


Ait-to-air view of Spitfire Mk 16 TE405 F-JVM of the Central Gunnery School with clouds below. The wingtip of aircraft from which photograph is taken is visible bottom left.


Air-to-air view of Spitfire Mk 16 TE405 F-JVM of the Central Gunnery School banking away. In the background clouds.


Top left - view from air of river with city on far side and bridge in the centre. Captioned 'Ganges river at Cawnpore, India, March 1946'. [actually downstream from Cawnpore (Kanpur) at Allahabad (Prayagraj)]. Top right - view along the top of the…


Top left -view from the air over snow covered mountains. Captioned 'Snow plateau 12,000ft high on French Italian border near Bardonecchia'.
Top right - looking down at ground from the Eifel tower. Captioned 'Looking down from 2nd platform of Eifel…

Top left - view of sun over sea with building bottom left. Captioned 'Sun rising over sea at Beaulieu, Nice, French Riviera, Oct 46'.
Bottom left - view inside Eifel tower leg. Captioned 'Looking down pylon of Eifel tower, Paris, Nov 46'.

Left - a double photograph showing tree tops on top and snow covered landscape below. Captioned 'Zugerburg, Switzerland, Feb 47'.
Top right - tail of a civilian aircraft parked at airport with buildings in the background. Captioned 'With the Consul…

An airman in khaki and shorts standing beside a Jeep. Behind is a row of tents. On the reverse 'RAF "Tengah" Chaplain S/Ldr "Rev" Ashton (A wizard type) Oct 1946 Singapore.'

He is standing drinking from a beer mug. He is dressed in khaki and shorts. On the reverse 'Wing Commander Walsh. Principle Medical Officer RAF Tengah Singapore October 1946.'

A two storey modern building identified on the reverse as The Officers' Mess at RAF Tengah, Singapore, October 1946.


A field gun outside the Officers' Mess at RAF Tengah. On the reverse 'The Mess defence RAF Tengah, Singapore October 1946'.


A young boy sitting on a railing at the billets. On the reverse 'One of the Chinese Room boys RAF Tengah Singapore Oct 1946'.
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