Browse Items (14 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-04-03"

He apologises for not writing sooner due to his being on leave then being in hospital. Brian was his best friend and he hopes he is somewhere safe in Germany. He includes a poem 'Air Gunner'.

Jim Hardy’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book from 4th January 1944 until 31st January 1945. Posted to 311 Ferry Training Unit as a wireless operator. In February 1944 operational posting to 40 Squadron in Italy where he became Signals…

George Cook’s Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 8th August 1940 until 4th September 1945. During this time trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. Initial training at No. 1 Electrical and Wireless School and No. 4 Bombing…

She writes that there are signs of spring starting. Family and friends are asking for him. Taffy has sent a cigarette parcel.
There is also a note from Rosie.

A full length portrait of George Robinson and a woman. She is wearing a dark dress, jacket and hat. He is in uniform with a button hole flower. They are standing close together, arm in arm and smiling.
On the reverse is the Betta Photos LTD stamp…

A newspaper cutting about George Robinson being reported missing. It briefly describes the circumstances and gives some details about his late father, his recent marriage and his education.

Asks her to congratulate friend over birth of baby. Mentions he is stiff due to PT, basket ball and swimming. Just off to camp cinema.

Reg writes that he still has not received mail from home. They have had musicals in the camp and other shows.

A head and shoulders image of Roy Ellis mounted on a card. Attached is a cutting referring to Roy being missing August 1943 then known to have lost his life. Buried at Eindhoven, Holland. Handwritten annotation '3.4.44'. On the reverse is annotated…

Front view of a Lancaster with many men working on various parts of aircraft or watching. Captioned 'G1038 3 April 44'. On the reverse 'Avro Lancaster, ? N Africa, Italy'.

The letter expresses happiness that Dick is safe. It is written by the squadron chaplain.

Thanks him for letter and is glad he is making excellent progress.

Letter from Corporal F W Meredith, Squadron Leader Wilson's batman, expressing sympathy and stating that he had been ask to forward a number of articles and he would do this under separate cover. Offers hope that her husband was taken prisoner.
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