He thanks Jean for her letter and cake. He has booked their honeymoon hotel in Bideford since Lynton was not available. He has just enough petrol saved up and rationed. Jack is coming back so they can resume flying.
He has been collecting POWs from Juvaincourt. He has been flying low over south England and describes changes to spots they have visited. He is expecting to get nine days leave.
He has been flying but cannot discuss what he was doing. Jean sent him a cake which he enjoyed. He has been to the dentist for a filling. He hopes to go on holiday with her soon.
He has been doing a little flying. They had a lucky escape when a faulty tyre burst whilst taxing after an engineer had said it might be alright to fly with it. She has described the engagement ring she likes.
He thanks her for her letter and advises his trip to Italy is off. His squadron is disbanding in four days. His friend has developed photographs of their wedding.
Reg Miles's memoir in three parts. Part one Reg describes his childhood in St Peter’s on the Isle of Thanet, his family, school, lack of money, and holiday jobs. Reg joined the Royal Air Force as an apprentice, known as a ‘Brat’, in January…