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  • Conforms To is exactly "Geolocated"

The left photograph shows an aerial view of Goderich, Ontario, Canada. The photo is taken facing east from just south of the town centre, towards the Maitland River; the geometric area of trees in the upper centre of the image is Courthouse Square.…

Top left and bottom right photographs both show men outside a building and the centre photo shows various buildings at Manston.

Two sequential vertical aerial photographs of Ladbergen. Both show snow covered fields and the Dortmund-Ems canal. A bomb is visible in the second image.

The first is captioned '4092 Skell.1.1.45//8" 12000 050° 1119 Ladbergen. T. 14MC 1000.LD.…

A newspaper cutting with an aerial photograph of the chemical plant at Leuna.

Target photograph of Le Havre taken during an operation. The right side is obscured by smoke. The left and top are clear and show the harbour, docks and breakwater. One vessel can be seen at an angle within the dock, bottom centre, but otherwise no…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Stettin. Much of the image is obscured by light and explosions but there are street patterns visible at the top. It is captioned '1359 KLS 29/30-8-44//NT C. 8" 16,000'

A target photograph during an operation at Ligescourt V-1 site. The village, tracks and woods to the south are visible. Explosions and smoke are seen on the village at top right and bottom left in the woodlands. Many craters in the fields around are…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre, centered on the Aplemont district, near the Forêt de Montgeon. The central area has explosions and smoke and many bomb craters are visible.
It is captioned 'KLS 10.0.44//8"…

A vertical aerial photograph of Foret du Croc. Most of the image is obscured by cloud. A Lancaster is visible in a clear patch under which road patterns are visible. It is captioned '901 KLS 6-7-44//8" 17,000' -->134° 21.00 1/2 Foret du Croc…

A target photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre. The left-centre of the image is obscured by cloud. The coastline and beaches north of the port is shown. A mix of urban and rural landscape with roads are visible, including the distinctive S…

A vertical aerial photograph of Birmingham. The intersection between Church Hill Road and Crompton Road is highlighted. Captioned 'FN78 KLS 6-7-44//8" 6500' --> Birmingham 'Y' Training F/L Davy G625'.

Identification kindly provided by Kenneth R.…

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing at Villers Bocage.
#2 is temporary graves of Bob Cooke and Crew at Tilly-sur-Seulles, Normandy.

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is an oblique aerial photograph of Snaith taken during the war.
#2 is a group of men arranged in three rows in front of a Halifax. Bob's position is indicated in the caption.

A vertical aerial photograph of Cardigan with River Teifi and Castle Street Bridge.

Identification kindly provided by Richard Evans of the Unidentified photos of the British Isles Facebook group.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hangelar airfield, Bonn.

A vertical aerial photograph of Darlington. The tanks near Borough Road are circled.

Identification kindly provided by Richard Evans of the Unidentified photos of the British Isles Facebook group.

A view from a twin engined aircraft flying low over Ladybower reservoir.

Identification kindly provided by Adrienne Irving with additional backing by David Parker of the Unidentified photos of the British Isles Facebook group.

An oblique aerial view of the Ladybower reservoir, looking to the east.

PMuirRWL2105 copy.jpg
Aerial photograph of a settlement built along a single loop of unpaved road at the confluence of a river and the sea. The area is forested, giving way to open countryside on the hillside beyond. A road alongside has cars travelling on it with cars…

Lincoln OL-A in flight over the limestone quarry at Gainsthorpe, to the north of Kirton in Lindsey. Information supplied with the collection states 'Donald Evans Piloting a Lincoln of 83rd taken from IBCC'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Target photograph of Lubeck, annotated NS 6/5 Dupe Neg No 243, 1 JY19NT28/29 .3.42 F8 TX.

A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rostock, taken during an operation. The centre of the image is obscured by flashes of light.
The image is captioned 'I.V.Y. 304 NT 26/27.4.42 f8" --> T.X.X.'
On the reverse is handwritten 'Rostock'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rotterdam. It is captioned '2208 W.S.29.12.44 //8" 16000 350° 1857 1/2 E Pens Rotterdam K . 1 HC 12000 DT C 30 secs F/O Leavitt R 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hamm. The right side is obscured by light. It is captioned '3125 Bin 5.6.46 //8" 7000' 18.16 Hamm 'T' F/Lt Quinton 'T' 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

Two oblique aerial photographs with fields of view marked for 8" lens. #1 The image shows the coastline of Port Burwell, Ontario, Canada. #2 has similar marks but less annotation and shows fields. On the reverse of both 'On loan P&R Darby…
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