Browse Items (290 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Polskie Siły Powietrzne"

A note to John about a letter to be written the next day at 12 o'clock.

A note to John saying she is looking for the ball and is nervous.

To John saying she is preparing for travel and that a letter will be ready at 4 o'clock.

Describes her difficulties in learning english and desire to improve. She writes from a prisoner of war camp saying she is an airwoman and asks if John is a pilot and requests that John send some English books.

Iga is sorry that she was unable to meet John due to sickness.

Iga writes that her health is improving, she is working in the hospital and wishes John a happy Christmas. John replies that he is glad she is feeling better and wishes her a happy new year.

To John thanking him for his letter and telling him she is moving to a new camp the next day.

To John thanking him for his letter and saying a letter will be ready the next day at 10 o'clock and asking why John was sad.

Thanking John for the parcel he sent and apologising for her poor English.

Thanking John for the drawing he sent and describing her poor living conditions with 160 girls sleeping on the floor. Iga says she is moving camp and that it is forbidden to write between Stalags and giving John an address to write to later.

Addressed to his barrack, a letter from Iga to John saying that she is leaving the camp and suggesting he finds someone who knows Polish to translate her letter.

With apologies to John for not saying goodbye when she left the camp but she had to be taken to the car on a stretcher. Iga is sad that she cannot continue their correspondence but hopes that the war will soon be over. She is now working as a sister…

Iga explaining to John that she is moving camps for the third time and describing her feelings towards her captors the state of her health and her desire to visit England.

Iga describes life under occupation and her lack of family and friends. She explains that there is danger in exchanging correspondence in the prisoner of war camp and warning John to be careful of the sentry.

A letter to John passed between the men and women's prisoner of war camps. Iga thanks John for the letter he sent and goes on to talk about her life, enjoying dance and sports and attending pilots school. She mentions seeing John in the camps and…

Iga telling John the officers and under-officers are moving camp the next day. Wanting to see John before the move and arranging a meeting at the wire between their camps.

Jozef's autobiography. He flew with the Polish Air Force and escaped to Romania after the German's invaded. He further escaped to France and flew there against the Germans until he was instructed to head for the UK. He was shot down and taken…

'Mieczysław Stachiewicz started the album in the summer of 1942 at RAF Hemswell during my service with 301 Squadron. The album is bound in a canvas from Wellington Z1273.' [translated]. There is also a handwritten note in English with page…

Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Mieczysław Stachiewicz in uniform.
Photo 2 is a group of men in a dormitory. There are no beds and the bedding is on the floor. The men are in uniform.
Photo 3 is a group of men outside in a yard.


Photo 1 is the ship 'Arandora Star'.
Photo 2 are seagulls and clouds
Photo 3 is some men at the side of the ship as it is cruising along.
Photo 4 is three men in uniform on the ship.
Photo 5 is a building at the side of the river.
Photo 6 is a…


Two strips of cartoons. The first has six cartoons referring to Easter, in Polish and with an English explanation.The second has six cartoons with the theme 'I have'.

Item 1 is a half length portrait of Gierek
Item 2 is a political cartoon with Jo Stalin, Hitler, Nazis and a soldier with Poland under his arm. They appear to be gambling for Poland.
Item 3 is an officer shouting at three people on beds on the…

RAF Kirkham Officer's Mess.
Photo 1 is a wall decoration, fireplace, chair and a ceiling light.
Photo 2 is a wall decoration of two women walking together.
Photo 3 is a wall decoration of an officer and a bare breasted woman dancing. Underneath…

Two photographs of the interior of the Officer's Mess at Blackpool..


Items 1 and 2 are black and white paintings of Blacpool street scenes.
Items 3 and 4 are airmen marching.
Item 5 is a pass from RAF Weeton, dated 17 October 1940.
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