Browse Collections (1857 total)

Pollock, Henry


49 items. An oral history interview with Henry Albert James Pollock (b. 1924, 2220546, 187029 Royal Air Force) his log book, documents and…

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Petty, Doug


11 items. An oral history interview with Flying Officer Douglas Petty ( 1923 - 2023, 189456 Royal Air Force) documents and photographs. He flew…

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Peck, Peter John


Six items. An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Peter Peck (1924 - 2019, 1805919 Royal Air Force), documents and photograph album. He flew…

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Peck, Ted


An oral history interview with Ted Peck (Royal Air Force). He flew operations with 622 Squadron.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital…

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Pearson, Leslie Robert


Six items. An oral history interview with Leslie Pearson (d. 2018, 1397838 Royal Air Force), a photograph and service material. He flew operations as…

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Payne, Thomas Peter


Six items. Two oral history interviews with Flying Officer Peter Payne (b. 1925, 1398674, 199071 Royal Air Force)auto biographies and his log book. He…

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Payne, Reg


14 items. Two oral history interviews with Reg Payne (1923 - 2022, 1435510 Royal Air Force), his memoirs and photographs. Reg Payne completed a tour…

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Parry, Hugh


20 items. Two oral history interviews with Hugh Parry (b. 1925, 2220054 Royal Air Force), his log book, photographs and newspaper cuttings. Hugh Parry…

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Paine, Geoff


14 items. An oral history interview with Sergeant Geoffrey Paine (1925 - 2019, 1894345, Royal Air Force) documents and photographs. He flew as a…

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Page, Thomas James


Fifteen items. An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Thomas Page DFM (1922 - 2017, 922297, 183427 Royal Air Force), his log book, two…

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Page, Frank


Four items. An oral history interview with Frank Page (b. 1921, 1602325 Royal Air Force) and three photographs. He flew operations as a bomb aimer…

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Packman, Doug


An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Doug Packman (1925, 1866208 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a fight engineer with 630, 57 and…

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Odell, Ken

An interview with Ken and Diana Odell.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

This item is available only at the…

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Neech, Peter Rowland Ruthven


Two oral history interviews with Peter Neech (b.1925, 1851518 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a with 75 and 98 Squadrons.
The collection was…

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Musgrove, Joseph


Two items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Joseph Musgrove (1922 - 2017, 1450082, Royal Air Force). He flew operations as an air gunner…

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Mottershead, Bluey


Two items. An oral history interview with Squadron Leader 'Bluey' Mottershead DFC (b. 1922, Royal Air Force) and a photograph. He flew operations as a…

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Morris, Walter


Two items. An oral history interview with Walter Morris (b. 1923, 1623898 Royal Air Force). and his memoir. He flew operations with 630…

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Monk, Roy


An oral history interview with Roy Monk (1923810, Royal Air Force). He served as a mechanic in Kenya during his national service in the 1950s.…

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Miller, Peter


An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Peter Miller (3008496 Royal Air Force). He served as an air gunner and gunnery leader with 12…

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McNamara, Len


Two items. An oral history interview with Len McNamara (1924 - 2020, 1814123, 185344 Royal Air Force) and a photograph. He flew operations as an air…

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McDonald, Edward Allan


Ten items. Two oral history interviews with Edward Allan McDonald (1922 - 2020, 1076170, Royal Air Force), a memoir, his log book, documents and…

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Maywood, Dick


Three items. An oral history interview with Warrant Officer Richard 'Dick' Maywood (1923 -2016, 1623169 Royal Air Force), his log book and a…

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May, Ben John


Three items. An oral history interview with Ben May (1925 -2018, 1894955 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a flight engineer with 420 Squadron.…

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Matthews, Edward Harry


Five items. An oral history interview with Sergeant Edward 'Ted' Matthews (1925 - 2017, 1899046 Royal Air Force), his log book flight engineer's…

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Marlow, Ronald


Two items. An oral history interview with Ron Marlow (1924 - 2019, 1592700 Royal Air Force) and a photograph. He trained as a wireless operator / air…

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