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  • Type is exactly "Text. Correspondence"

John is instructed to return to unit immediately.

John writes from Stalag 3A on VE day. He is not sure when he will get home. He is very excited and has lots of plans.

The telegram advises that John is missing.

A formal record of statements made at their conference, the previous evening. POWs are being denied their freedom, food is inadequate and overcrowding is an issue. The Russians have refused to allow the evacuation of British and American POWs.
As a…

Two notes.
#1 requests electric circuit wire materials and tyre repair/ new bicycle materials.
#2 tyre repair materials

John writes that he is thinking of them on Christmas day. He has been involved with films at the theatre.

John writes that they have has two falls of snow. He has been studying calculus. He has received cigarettes.The camp has put on two plays.

John writes he has received two letters. He asks for shorts and swimming trunks for next summer.

John writes he has little news. Food parcels have been halved.

John writes wishing his parents a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

John writes he has received the June parcel. He repeats his previous request for things to be sent. He passed his Spanish exam. He has been working at the theatre with Jimmy.

John complains he has only had two letters this month. A sentence has been blacked out by the censor. He asks for a towel.

John writes that his June parcel has arrived. He asks for pyjamas, slippers, dressing gown and underwear.

John writes that this letter is a reply to his Dad's. So far no parcels. He wants to take a BSc but does not want to teach.

John writes that he has received several letters. He asks about family and friends.

John writes he has received letters and cigarette parcels. There has been a play and next week, a concert.

John writes he has received three letters and photographs. There have been plays and a concert.

John writes that little has happened. There have been musical recitals. Some words have been blacked out by the censor.

John writes that he is shocked Sheila is married. He looks forward to coming home.

John writes wishing his mother a happy birthday. He received a single letter, from his father, with photographs. A sentence has been blacked out by the censor. Several words have been underlined.

John writes that he has received very little mail but his books are on the way. He and Jimmy have been working in the theatre. The weather is hot and he has no parcels since March.

John writes that he has little knews [sic]. He and Jimmy are now in charge of theatre lighting.

John writes that he has had no mail. He now works as theatre electrician and projectionist. He writes about family and friends.

John writes that he has received letters and photographs from his parents.
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