Browse Items (35368 total)

Left - Notifies of award of Distinguished Flying Cross to Flying Officer Charles Martin. Provides some biographical details and description of action which led to the award.
Right - Notified of award of Distinguished Flying Cross, some biographic…

First - over 400 times they led the way. Article about RAF Pathfinders. Crest and details about 35 Squadron. Also mentions 7, 83 and 156 Squadrons as nucleus of force in August 1942. Mentions some of their attacks and numbers of decorations awarded.…

The first captioned 'Bill Prune, R.I.P'. with a picture of a Bulldog announced the death in a road accident of a squadron mascot.
Second shows two Lancasters taxying with the caption 'Five ton Lorries', stating that Lancasters are carrying nearly 5…

Silver eagle holding swastika in talons on blue background.

Book 1 - contains notes on basic earth geography, direction on the earth's surface, terrestrial magnetism, maps and projections. map symbols, latitude and longitude, triangles of velocity and reporting. There is a team list at the back.

Book 2 -…

Two leaflets, the first referring to members of the Home Guard and what they should do and the second instructions when attending a medical.

Two indecipherable names and addresses in Canada

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A colour postcard drawing of two Mosquitos.

Air-to-air view of the port side of two RAF Mitchells taken from a third. One has D-Day Markings.

One man sitting on a child's tricycle with another man crouched beside him. Behind is a stone wall.

A group of four standing on a busy beach. On the reverse 'Le treport aout 1949 Papa, maman. Denise'.

Three quarters image of a man holding a girl and a woman has her arms round both men. Behind is a brick building and a trellis.

One older and one younger man are standing on a roadway in front of a long, low, flat roofed brick built colonnaded building with chimneys. Between the men is an urn with a carrying handle at the top a tap low down. The young man in carrying a…

In the foreground two men standing side by side with backs to camera looking at a Lancaster parked on a concrete pan. Submitted with description '2 men viewing the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster PA474 on unknown airfield. Date unknown'.


Two men swimming in sea. On the reverse 'Radonski'.

Two versions of the same photograph. Two men wearing battledress stand each holding one of the guns of the rear turret of a bomber. On the reverse of the first photo 'L - R Stan Jeffrey - Cpl?'.

Two men wearing battledress stand each holding one of the guns of the rear turret of a bomber.

On the left a man wearing dark civilian overcoat and hat. On the right a sergeant wearing an Royal Canadian Air Force greatcoat and side cap. In the background a house with windows and wooden balcony. Captioned 'Allan and his father George Bye'.…

Two men wearing civilian suits and ties standing in a garden with plant frame in the background.

Two men wearing civilian suits standing facing each other in a garden with foliage in the background.

On the left a man in uniform and on the right a man wearing jacket and tie. They are standing on a wooden dock with water in the background.

Two men in shorts are sitting on a wooden gate. On the reverse 'The Gypsies Lt. Burstead Whitsun 1939.' and '? Ted Seager'

Two versions of the same photograph. Two men in uniform sitting on a bomb trolley behind the port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse of the first photograph 'L - R Stan Jeffrey - Eric Pinnock, bombing up for night op 1942'.

Two men wearing civilian clothes sitting in a filed with trees and a building in the background. On the reverse 'Chuck Pawlietza + Stan Mount at Dauphin Lake'.

Two men at a desk playing cards. The image is blurred.
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