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  • Tags: incendiary device

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

An article describing daylight and night time operations on Duisburg. There is a photograph of a Lancaster dropping a 4000 pound bomb and incendiaries and a photograph of an aircrew. The crew is Flying Officer J Whitwood, pilot and Ken Thomas…

Auguste Müller's account of the events at Turmgasse 4/Königsplatz 36 ½ (Wiedersichscher Keller), Königsplatz.

Andreas H and Emma H's account of the events at Schomburgstraße 10 (Rheinischer Hof Hotel), Bahnhofstraße 19 and Lutherplatz 7.

Max Bartels's account of the events at Lossestraße 14 (Losse [power] plant).

Emil E's account of the events at Schäfergasse 21, Müllergasse, Pferdemarkt.

Oskar Spieß's account of the events at Jägerstraße 1.

Staff Sergeant Otto St's account of the events at Moltkestraße 7.

Kitty Michel's account of the events at Platz der SA (Housing Inspectorate), old Lutheran church am Graben.

Heinrich Stöppler's account of the events at Franzgraben 85 (Municipal Cleaning Department).

Heinrich O's account of the events at Ständeplatz 16 ½ (Department for Economic Affairs), Brüderstraße 14.

Wilhelm Galenbeck and Karl Bunge's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 18, Karlsplatz 2 (Youth Welfare Offices and print shop).

August Keppler's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 12/14 (Old Townhall, Public Welfare Office).

Erich Thom and Karl B's account of the events at Mombachstraße 10/12 (abattoir)/Leipziger Straße 79.

Andreas N's account of the events at the City Cleaning Department, Franzgraben 85.

Gottlieb Sunkel and August Lehnebach's account of the events at the Civic Centre.

Anna D's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße nos. 137 ½ and 139, Wehlheider Straße 6.

Heinrich von der E's account of the events at Fischgasse 10.

Anna K's account of the events at Wittichstraße 49.

Wilhelmine K's account of the events at Hohenzollernstraße 58.

Karl Sch's account of the events at Riedwiesensiedlung, Am Hutekamp nos. 6, 7, 9, 11, Am Hohen Rod.

Emilie Niemeyer's account of the events at Hafenstraße 37.
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