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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Card with name 'North' and a fingerprint. No other details filled in.

Addressed to prisoner of war, John, from fellow prisoner, Iga in Stalag VI C.

From George Grundy thanking her for her letter and comments on the letter contents.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Nine postcards from Jim Cahir to his mother and brother, Pat.

German prisoner of war document for Albert Edward Bracegirdle with personal details and b/w photograph. Submitted with description 'Photo of prisoner of war record of F/Sgt Albert Bracegirdle of Cheadle, Cheshire including photo of fingerprint.…

A view across the camp swimming pool with two swimmers in the pool, watched by several others. Huts and a windmill behind. It is captioned 'Het door de krigsgevangenen tot zwembadomgebouwde brandwater reservoir' translated as 'The fire fighting water…

Telegram to Bill's father informing him that Bill is a prisoner of war in Germany.

First article: account of national service of remembrance and prayer for British prisoners of war. Afterwards a meeting at Colusseum organised by prisoner of war fund where three women, two mothers and a wife of men in same prison camp sat together.…

Japanese prisoners at work in a paddy field. There is a second identical copy.

Relates how after tunnelling 187 feet to escape from internment camp in Algeria, 29 soldiers were recaptured. Tunnel took seven months dug in relays 24 hours a day. After escape Arab guards tracked them down and they were sent back to prison.

A large group of prisoners lined up in great coats with suitcases. It is captioned 'Een transport wordt samengesteld. Wachten op visitatie' which translates as 'A transport is put together. Waiting for visitation'.

A group of prisoners marching through the camp gates, passed a sentry box and watched by guards.

The newspaper article reports that John Taplin is alive and a prisoner of war.

Nineteen men wearing a variety of uniform, five squatting down in front the others standing. In the background a single story brick building.

Nineteen men wearing a variety of uniform, five squatting down in front the others standing. In the background a single story brick building.

Photo 1 is a sailor and a soldier standing in front of a watchtower.
Photo 2 is a group of men standing in the compound.
Photo 3 is three men, standing in the compound,
Photo 4 is a soldier and an airman.
Photo 5 is three men standing beside a…

Photo 1 is a half length portrait of a man in a sweater.
Photo 2 is eight airmen captioned '+20/8/43'.
Photo 3 is two men with their hands in the air, one soldier beside them. Two men with rifles are on the right, captioned 'Two Polish prisoners…

Instructions about sending food parcels. How, food, what could be sent, costs, donations, addressing. Concludes with reasons why parcels not addressed to individual prisoners.

Left side. Title 'Rhodesians at Stalag Luft 3, North Compound'. Sixteen men wearing a variety of uniform, eight standing and the others squatting down in front. In the background single story huts. Captioned 'Rick Bennet and Ray Kell not present, Kev…

Prisoners of war walking in a circle behind barbed wire, building in the background.

In the foreground a barbed wire mesh fence with wooden supports. Behind the wire a large number of men walk in single file in a clockwise circuit. In the background a long building with barred windows and chimneys.

Left side. Top - group of servicemen wearing greatcoats front group hats off carrying wreaths, rear group hats on. To the left grave crosses and in the background trees.
Bottom - close up of photograph above. Group of servicemen wearing greatcoats…

Large number of men working in a paddy field.

A group of men arranged in front of a C-47. On the reverse 'Taken at Singapore after being flown from Logas, Sumatra, on September 20th. 1945. The better dressed chaps are cooks and medical orderlies sent to assist in the recovery of POWs. x is JG…

People are held back outside the gate of a walled yard as a trolley carrying an unexploded bomb is pulled by five men, four dressed in green and one in a white shirt with the colours of the Italian flag. A young boy has climbed a column just outside…
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