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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Letter from Warrant Officer Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about his capture in Germany after his aircraft was shot down on December 20th 1943 and subsequent capture. He goes on to describe the conditions he was kept in at Stalag IVB…

In the letter Jim describes Christmas in the camp.

The letter advises Mrs Cahir that because her son is now reported as a prisoner of war then payments will continue without review.

The letter accompanies a letter from Jim's commanding officer.

The letter refers to Jim Cahir's personal effects which will be kept in storage until his release from prisoner of war camp.

The letter informs Mrs Cahir that her son is a prisoner of war.

The letter advises Doreen that he husband is missing in action. The possibility that he husband may have escaped or taken prisoner is mentioned.

The letter advises Doreen of her husband's personal effects.

Confirms their telegram that information had been received from the International Red Cross that her son was a prisoner of war. No information on address of camp he was in. As no news had been received about the rest of his crew, they ask to be…

The sender of the letter met Les Pickford in a prisoner of war camp in Italy. Every 13th October Les and another internee, Don meet but this year Don has sailed to Burma. George is anxious to meet Les on the date of the reunion and asks for his…

Informs her that permits could not be granted to private individuals for the dispatch of parcels to British prisoners of war in neutral countries. Encloses leaflet with details regarding dispatch of parcels.

Informs her it is not possible to send chocolate to her son in Le Kef as there was no parcel post to Tunisia. States the best was to communicate is by telegram via the US Consul in Tunis.

He writes that he has recently been in close contact with her husband, Squadron Leader Robert Wareing as they were prisoners in the same hospital. He advises that her husband, with others, were evacuated by the Germans but that he, himself, remained…

Florence is upset that her son Gordon and Mrs Wynn’s husband are now presumed dead. Goes on to write about financial help from RAF Benevolent Fund. Catches up with family news and of other acquaintances including one who died in Japanese prisoner…

Glad to know that she had heard from her husband and noted his camp address. Mentions that they had been informed that her husband has been promoted and has a new service number. Includes information on posting letters and parcels to prisoners of war…

Thanks her for her letter. Advises her to continue to address letters to Stalag 357 in case his move to Stalag Luft 3 did not take place.

Alan Robson writes to Mrs Miller from M.- Stammlager 1X A telling her he flew with her son Teddy and expects her to hear bad news.

Letter from the Air Ministry to Mrs Milling, the wife of Sergeant Edward Milling. His aircraft was reported missing over enemy territory. The results of enquiries made by the International Red Cross to ascertain the location of Sergeant Milling has…

Writes that her husband is also being reported by the IRCC as captured and that her husband is being reclassified as a prisoner of war.

Writes giving details of her husband, his evacuation by the Germans as a prisoner and mentions the condition of his burns which were rapidly improving..

Charles Walkden writes to Mrs Wareing thanking her for her letter and postage stamps. He gives her information on his recovery, about himself and his impending repatriation to his home in Winnipeg and his time in England.

He writes that he has just been repatriated from Germany where he was in the same camp as her husband. He reports that her husband is well and he has put on some weight and the burns on his hands have now healed. He also reports that one of her…

Writes in response to her letter. He thanks her for her letter and hopes she is continuing to receive news of her husband but not to worry if the post is erratic or stops as this may happen before Germany’s collapse. He also advises her that he is…

Writes sending her a copy of their circulars giving full directions about sending letters and parcels to her husband, who is a prisoner of war. The also send a circular regarding the sending of parcels to prisoners of war. They request that if she…

John Cox was the pilot the night George was killed. He describes travelling in a vehicle with George's body. George was taken to a cemetery in a village. John continued to a military hospital. George and John had both baled out.
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