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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Top left: poster with eight faces and dancing girls for grand Christmas panto Aladdin. Captioned 'D33 NCO's Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3 Jan 43'. Top right: 13 actors on stage some in drag. The middle three are playing musical instruments.…

Top left: poster with two figures for Bums on Broadway. Captioned 'D9 Poster for "Bums on Broadway"'. Top right: two men in suits and a third in uniform behind them. Captioned 'D10 "Bums on Broadway" Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Left middle: Two actors arm in…

Top left: Group of actors some in drag on stage. Captioned 'D1 New Theatre. Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Top right: 14 man band with conductor on stage. Captioned 'D2 New Theatre. Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Left second row: 14 man band with conductor on stage.…

Top left: group of men sitting and standing round a table with a hut in the background. 'Captioned 'C39 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: group of men playing basketball. In the background huts. 'Captioned 'C40 Sports Day. Stalag Luft…

Top left: competitor reaches finish tape with other runners behind. In the background crowds of spectators in front of and sitting on roofs of huts. 'Captioned 'C33 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: high jumper clears bar with spectator…

Top left: crowd of spectators sitting on a mound with some standing. In the background huts and trees. 'Captioned 'C26 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: a high jumper approaching the bar. In the background other competitors sitting on…

Top left: runner about to breast finish tape in the centre and behind him a fallen runner with others further back. On the left and behind, spectators in front of an on top of huts. 'Captioned 'C20 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: on…

Top left: four competitors running towards camera. To the left spectators and huts, to the right three men watch runners. 'Captioned 'C7 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: competitors in line along a wire delineating running track. Three…

Top left: three men sitting behind a table with two others standing. Score boards to left and right. Captioned 'C14 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: a man wearing white vest and singlet running and braking finish tape. To the left…

Top left: two teams of five men sitting on the ground centre and right with two further men sitting to left. In the background crowds of spectators and huts. Captioned 'C1 Sports Day. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: four men wearing shorts and…

Top left: Two posters; titled 'Keep your mind occupied' and ' Speed Sport'. Two paintings, one landscape and one of men decorating a room' all pinned on a wall. Top right: a model Lysander and a four wheeled carriage on the ground.. Captioned 'A 17…

Top left: model sailing boat on a stand on table. Captioned 'A 11 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: model monoplane with matchbox alongside resting on a table. Captioned 'A 8 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib. Stalag Luft 3.…

Top left: model sailing boat on table. Captioned 'A1 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib. Stalag Luft 3. Aug 42'. Top right: Two men leaning over a table covered with models with two men standing behind them, In the background, two further men looking at…

Short letter thanking him for his. No time to write as off to get hair permed. Suggest he gets proof of being prisoner of war from adjutant and contact Civilian Advice Bureau before going on holiday.

Relates that representative of Swedish Y.M.C.A visited his camp recently bearing enquiries about his well being. The visitor a Mr Soderburg asked if he needed anything and he asked for a violin bow as well as tooth paste and socks as his wife's last…

States the organisation through which contact was obtained with Sergeant John Valentine that their secretary had visited Stalag Luft 6 and seen British prisoner of war John Valentine who asked him to convey his thanks to Grünfeld for books he sent…

Offers a translation of a letter from Mr Wernekinck in Sweden. Notes that due to help of Swedish "Help the War Sufferers" his son John has been located in Stalag Luft 6. Relates from a man who spoke to his son who had tried to locate him in Stalag…

From Mr Wernekinck to S Busch relates a letter sent to Mr Wernikinck from John Valentine who is in a prisoner of war camp in Germany thanking him for his gift of a violin bow and tooth paste. Valentine mentions that he saw a Mr Söderberg for a…

Writes how marvellous it will be to see him next day although sympathises that he has diphtheria. Says she has much to do before getting away and daughter is being looked after by her parents and taken down to Devon.

Reports on arrival back from a 10 day visit and describes couple they stayed with as well as activities undertaken. Mentions meeting the daughter of Earl and Countess of Sandwich at Hinchinbrook [sic]. Writes of going to the theatre, a dance, of…

Writes it cannot be long now. and goes on to describe recent activities and local news. Catches up with news of acquaintances, RAF accounts and that proposal to open a private school in the village. Continues with upcoming social activities and…

Writes of making acquaintances in local area and of social activities. Mentions visitors, how adventurous their daughter is and of her latest activities. Writes that she now has some white hairs and disparages her getting older. Catches up with news…

Writes that she has returned home to find 6 inches of snow. Mentions that her fears of frozen pipes did not happen and house was in good order. Writes of journey home and finding Christmas parcels on arrival. Continues with account of framing…

Wishes him happy returns on wedding anniversary and hopes her recent parcel has arrived. Mentions recent arrival of letter posted in October and receiving presents from her sister and his parents. Recounts recent activities of shopping and…

Wishes him a happy new year and writes of her activities. Notes they have had sharp frosts and is nervous about pipes back at home freezing. Mentions quiet time over Christmas and covers other domestic news.
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