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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes of winter weather and snow. Comments on good weather in North Africa he reported in his latest letters. Notes they have not had much fog, possibly because they are out of town. Catches up with news of visitor and other activities. Joy to have…

Acknowledges cable on father's birthday and is at loss to understand why her message to him did not meet censors approval. Still awaiting news of missing friend. Comments on recent weather and on book she is reading. Catches up on family…

Writes of cold weather and snow and trying to keep warm. Mentions his latest cable and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentioned he wrote he was not well and wondered if he had recovered. Philosophises on future. No progress with parcel…

No letters or cables to report and awaiting next ones from him. Discusses several cables previously sent/received that he asked about. Still no news of missing friend. Comments of weather and father's little holiday. Will stay at home as wartime…

Wrote that she had note from censor that she could not send a parcel direct but only via Red Cross and could only contain soap. Mentions some parcels got through but according to post office it was just good luck. Philosophises about hope. Continues…

Writes of weather and melting snow. Reminisces on past events. Philosophises on need for tolerance, courage and confidence of young causing anxiety amongst elders. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news. Says she is going to send…

Writes about weather over year's holidays. Reports content of cable she send previous Saturday. Says how important cables are to her as no letters for some time. Wonders whether when he returns they will still live in their small industrial town.…

Writes of weather and earlier blackout times. Mentions his letters which reported that they had had more food parcels from Canadian Red Cross. Mentions letter from friend and passes on news. Mentions factory chimneys smoking after short holiday.…

Writes of her health and weather. Discusses problems of sending him a parcel which post office refuse. Says she will just continue to write letters even if they are dull and uninteresting. Mentions it was a year since moving to Nelson and says how…

Reports arrival of postcard and cable and is pleased that her letters to him arrive in sequence. Says most of his letters reach them but not in sequence. Awaiting next letters. Says it is a great relief to learn of the help provided by different…

Delighted to get cable but wished letters would get through as well. Mentions being encouraged to write letters but having little to say. Wonders whether he gets enough food and mentions food situation getting difficult at home with possible…

Writes that it was two years since she received a telegram reporting that he was interned in Tunisia and mentions their reactions to the news. Did not dream that he would be interned for over two years. Mentions receiving cable and postcard. Looking…

Writes of winter weather and snow but now looking forward to warmer days. Mentions trying to get news of friend with no luck. Last letter from him was dated 25 November and longing for more news. Talks of father's health and catches up with other…

Reports arrival of two letters from him which mention that their photographs had arrived with him. Comments on photographs they sent him that she hads gained weight but father seems thinner every week. Mentions father has been working extra time.…

Writes that summer is over and mention planting seeds. Mentions that there are some nice gardens locally and that their garden would compete with grandad's. Garden is her chief joy which is why she mentions it in many letters. Wonders about the…

Writes this was trial letter using special airmail prisoner of war post form. Reports arrival of recent letter from him and decribes stamps on it. Writes that she had been to Burnley to buy socks and shirts for his next parcel. Interested to learn…

Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…

Letter from manager at Jaffe and Sons Ltd mentioning ex work colleagues from prewar employer. Many had now left and were in the forces. Asks how he likes Algeria. Mention fund raised by members of the company to send comfort to members of staff who…

Apologises for not being able to visit and explains problems with getting permission. Looks forward to seeing him in [xxx] if not England after the war. Passes on news of others.

Reply to letter he sent to a French girl asking why he did not come and see them before moving to Aumale and reflecting on how she felt after their departure. Continues with hope he is alright and asks if there is anything she can send him.

From auntie Gladys and cousin Eileen. Happy that he is safe and well. Writes of families daily activities and news including recent educational success and remarks that that John is in the air force.

From aunt Dorothy writes that she is delighted to know he is safe and well and recounts her activities over Christmas. Speculates about fruit in his location and compares it to prices at home. Hopes he will be released soon.

From auntie Gladys and written by cousin Eileen. Relieved that he was safe and well. Writes of her and family activities and news as well. Mentions visit to Edinburgh while on leave and comments that grandfather is looking old.

Letter to Douglas Hudson asking that he no longer writes to a French girl because she is in trouble over the amount of correspondence she is receiving.

Letter from French girl to Douglas Hudson while he was interned in Le Kef. Pleased that he has received news from England. Writes about weather and her ability with English language. Hopes he will be home soon and will keep gift he gave her. Writes…
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