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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Comments on cold weather and their health. Writes of working in garden and of shop in Manchester where they bough bulbs. Likes their new home and surroundings. Six weeks since they got a letter from him and they would be very anxious except for…

Copies words of cable sent the previous day mentioning important anniversary over which she reminisces. Mentions snow on two days of previous week. A year since they received the first letter from him. Writes that she sent him two calendars and…

Reports sending him a parcel via the Red Cross containing hand towels, socks, Lifebuoy soap and a sponge bag. Reminds him that they are not allowed to send food, sweets or chocolate. Expects parcel to arrive around Christmas. Informed by Red Cross…

Seven weeks since last letters but blessing that they have been able to exchange cables. Writes of armistice day thoughts, how much they miss him and know how weary he must be of the inactivity of life in internment. Mentions father's activities and…

Writes about weather and lack of rain. Mentions reports of sandstorms in Libya and wonders if they affect him. Writes of Laghouat water supply and hopes that they do not suffer from drought. Writes of receiving first publication of Red Cross monthly…

Needs to get letter off in hope it will arrive by Christmas. Wishes him best Christmas greetings under his trying circumstances. Hopes he will be home next Christmas. Wonders what he will think of Nelson and their house. Catches up with news and…

Writes of reading a letter from him dated a year ago from Médéa mentioning rain and wondering whether it was raining at Laghouat on same day this year. Still awaiting reply to latest cable. Continues with news of talking to locals about him, of…

Eight weeks since last letter and getting anxious. Sent cable with pre-paid reply last Saturday. Mentions activity round North Africa and hopes they will soon get good news. Writes of visit to library and getting out book about Laghouat which she…

Mentions writing on a beautiful evening. Reminds him that she had told him of upcoming rationing of many items in England. Still waiting for response from their latest cable. Catches up with family news and mentions some of their activities. Mentions…

Glad to receive cable from him as no letters for eight weeks. Glad he is getting letters and hopes calendars will arrive soon. Understand a little why no letters due to disturbance in his part of world recently. Catches up with family news and asks…

Still awaiting letters and response to her latest cable. Mentions message from Red Cross that conditions in camp at Laghouat were satisfactory. Another message stated that mail to prisoners might be quicker if sent on special prisoner or war airmail…

Writes about the weather and reminisces over past events. Asks if they have fog in Laghouat and talks of weather there. Sent cable previous day but wonders if circumstances in North Africa men cables will be stopped. No letter from him for nine weeks…

Reports arrival of a single letter from him dated 1st March and presumes many missing. Good to know that he is getting regular supplies of tea and states that she sent him a parcel three weeks ago containing soap.socks and towels. Mentions she…

Nine weeks since last letter but glad they still get cables. Writes of her current activities and of getting relay wireless service for one shilling a week. Wonders how he is faring in his new camp. Catches up with family news and correspondence from…

Nine weeks since last letter but understands difficult circumstances and glad to stay in touch by cable. Passes on news from friends letter but surprised they did not understand why he had not replied to letter from them. Writes that father is now…

Mentions previous day was his birthday and wondered if he had celebration. Reports arrival of fifteen letters from him in one week. Writes of photograph enclosed of group with the padre and comments people in it. Mentions his cooking and was…

Writes of message from Red Cross which asks them to cable American consul in Tunis with which they comply saying they are well. Previously enquired if cables possible but told cables were not allowed for prisoners of war. Comments on winter weather…

Again mentions arrival of 15 letters from him and notes dates sent. Mentions some missing item probably not allowed. Sorry he did not get calendars she sent. Mentions photographs he sent and asks questions on content and comments on his hairstyle.…

Reports arrival of responses from him to two of their cables and asks about content of one which puzzled her a bit. There follows considerable discussion on sending him shoes he ask for including mention of clothing coupons. Concludes with mention of…

Writes about how busy she had been and describes some activities. mentions weather and snow. catches up with news of family, friends and activities. Hopes cable she sent would arrive with him in a few hours but might take a few days according to post…

Catches up with family news and activities. Possible that Nelson will become permanent home. Wonders if he is getting any of their letters. Sending this letter by airmail. Had heard that some internees had got letters already. They sent their first…

Reports letter received of November 15th and November 29th show how long they take. Catches up with father's activities and possible move to Nelson. Catches up gossip and weather. Mentions letters from people and passes on news. Discusses sending…

Writes of their activities and mentions suggestion that they try and sent a message to him via radio forces messages. Hopes to have their own house soon. Says they are listening to the radio. Catches up with more news and gossip.

Plans still unsettled. Was great pleasure to get his postcard. Writes of their activities and plans. Catches up with gossip and news of family and friends.

No recent letters from him and been without news for a long time. Writes of how severe winter was. Catches up with family news. Mentions going back to previous location for a few days and outline progress with move.
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