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  • Tags: Master Bomber

Shows two bomb loads, on for five aircraft and reserve, the other for five aircraft. Details preselection and false height settings, window, time to target and bombing heights. On the reverse marking and bombing information and timings. Weight…

Shows three bomb loads for operation, one for twelve and the other two for three aircraft each. Details preselection and false height settings as well as other information including timings for daylight operation. On the reverse marking information,…

Shows three bomb loads for operations and includes preselection and false height settings. Shows Window and H-hour. On the reverse, marking plan, broadcast winds, bombing heights, alternative plans, master bomber and weight calculations.

Indicates a single bomb load for operation. Details weights, preselection settings time on target and window start stop lines. On the reverse Mosquito marking and controller, timings and marking plan, bombing instructions, route marking and note that…

H-hour stated as '0345'. Shows two bomb loads for seven and nine aircraft respectively. Details preselection, distributor, false height and other weapon settings. Weight calculations in the top margin and three aircraft are annotated with 'X'. On the…

Indicates a single bomb load for operation. Included preselection and distributor and other settings. On the reverse target marking and bombing details. Warning that own troops are 3 miles away from target and crews are only to bomb if red TIs…

Shows a single bomb load for operation to Gdynia with a further three aircraft carrying mines for gardening DUP. Includes preselection, distributor and false height setting, window and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing notes on two…

Indicates two bomb loads for operation, one for two aircraft the other for eight. Includes preselection, distributor and false height settings, zero hour and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions including that attack…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection and distributor settings, heights, false target settings and other details. On the reverse bombing instruction including not to bomb unless permission given by controller.

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection and distributor settings, heights, timings, bombing height and direction. On the reverse marking timings and tactics including use of Mosquito and warning on French troops in area. Actions if…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection settings, heights and Window. Annoated weight calculation. On the reverse marking and bombing tactics including Oboe Mosquito, timings, objective to destroy enemy concentrations. Lists crews…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for seven aircraft the other for nine. Includes area for 'anti fighters' and 'anti flak', time to target, bombing heights and wind data. On the reverse marking tactics and timing including blind H2S marking,…

Lists crews and aircraft on left side. Describes marking and bombing tactics including marking by Mosquito. Includes timings for marking.

Indicates two bomb loads for operation. Includes preselection and other settings, Window, timings, photo flash and other notes.

Indicates two bomb loads for the operation, one for nine aircraft the other for nine as well. Includes H-hour, preselection and distributor settings and other notes. Annotated with weight calculations. On the reverse: objective; 'To burn and destroy…

Shows two bomb loads, one for three and the other for seven aircraft. Includes H-hour, weight calculations, preselection and distributor settings and other notes. On the reverse, objective 'to destroy enemy waterway and disrupt comms'. Includes…

Indicates two bomb loads, one for seven aircraft the other for eleven. Includes H-hour, weights, preselection and distributor settings, Heights and false height settings and other notes. Annotated with weight calculation. On the reverse; objective…

Front not completed. On the reverse marking and tactics notes including Mosquito marking.

Details two bomb loads, one for seven aircraft the other for six. Includes H hour, preselection and distributor settings, heights and false height settings and gardening notes. On the reverse operation aim to breach enemy canal. Marking and tactics,…

Indicates a single bomb load for operations on 11 March 1945. Includes time on target, preselection settings, false height settings and other notes. Annotated '146 of 5 Group and 800 a/c of other Groups'. On the reverse marking and tactics including…

Notes including timings, heights, marking plan, master bomber and target marking.

Shows single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, zero hour and effort level. Describes method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse the route and notes.

Shows four bomb loads for the squadron with two for one aircraft each and the other two for eight and six aircraft. Includes preselection settings, weights, timings, method. On the reverse bombing notes including target marking continued.

Shows two bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, heights, Window, method with bombing notes including target marking by Mosquito on the reverse.

Shows four bomb loads for the squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, route and method. Mentions that Moisquito will search for and mark target. Annotated 'Toulouse'. On the reverse target marking and bombing notes.
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