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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes about others who have written to him. Mentions letter from Red Cross with his correct address. Looked up El Kef in library. Red Cross had been very kind to help them keep in touch. Investigating whether he can receive newspapers which the post…

Writes thoughts of the past and shortest days of the year. Mentions trip to library to find out more about El Kef. Continues with news of activities and upcoming Christmas. Worried that he has not had any news of them for four months. Comments on…

Writes of current winter weather and wonders what it is like where he is. Writes of boys facing discomfort in severe weather and full of gratitude for the few who have done so much for so many. Continues to describe some activities . Writes about…

Still waiting for letter number 3. Enquired at post office if they could cable him, not allowed. Hopes he is OK and talks of English winter. Mentions letters she had received and sent to others and passes on news.

Writing on Christmas day about her thoughts. Mentions their activities during the day. Comments on the weather and cards/gifts received. Catches up on family/friends news. Writes about bulbs coming up soon. Mentions letter received by father…

Writes of the letters received so far with one possibly missing. Just jogging along hoping for the end of dreadful war. Tells of visit by a Mrs Clayton followed by another acquaintance. Catches up with local news and gossip. Hopes he will soon get…

Hoping that their first letter has arrived with him. Wrote thanking Red Cross for their help but noted that they had said that it was not allowed to send newspapers. Comments that razor blades are no longer available. Tells of visitor and catches up…

Writing on her birthday, mentions letters she had received from family and friends and passes on news. Catches up with news of activities and other gossip. Mentions that she had a little birthday party.

Writes of weather, mentions she got many letter for her birthday and comments on bad weather noted in some and other news. Mentions shortage of onions and continues with other gossip. Comments on butter ration and that she has become a clever soup…

No letters from him since December 18th. Mentions letter from friend mentioning first snow in Tunisia for 40 years. Writes about current cold weather. Mentions listening to radio and catches up with news, gossip and activities.

Received letter from him dated November 1st. mentions his weather and gifts of clothing he had received. Tried to get in touch by cable, no luck as only allowed for urgent matters and must be sent through red cross. Red Cross had been kind in helping…

Has little news for him but comments on winter weather. Mentions six months before they can receive a reply to a letter. Lists letters they have had from him. Thankful to Red Cross for their work to make delivery possible. Mentions other mail they…

Writes of message from Red Cross which asks them to cable American consul in Tunis with which they comply saying they are well. Previously enquired if cables possible but told cables were not allowed for prisoners of war. Comments on winter weather…

Says both are well. Sent care of American consul Tunis

Writes about how busy she had been and describes some activities. mentions weather and snow. catches up with news of family, friends and activities. Hopes cable she sent would arrive with him in a few hours but might take a few days according to post…

Catches up with family news and activities. Possible that Nelson will become permanent home. Wonders if he is getting any of their letters. Sending this letter by airmail. Had heard that some internees had got letters already. They sent their first…

Reports letter received of November 15th and November 29th show how long they take. Catches up with father's activities and possible move to Nelson. Catches up gossip and weather. Mentions letters from people and passes on news. Discusses sending…

Writes of their activities and mentions suggestion that they try and sent a message to him via radio forces messages. Hopes to have their own house soon. Says they are listening to the radio. Catches up with more news and gossip.

Plans still unsettled. Was great pleasure to get his postcard. Writes of their activities and plans. Catches up with gossip and news of family and friends.

No recent letters from him and been without news for a long time. Writes of how severe winter was. Catches up with family news. Mentions going back to previous location for a few days and outline progress with move.

Says both well and gives address in Nelson Lancashire. Sent via American consul Tunis.

Three weeks since last letter and has had a bad cold. Got letter from air ministry with message sent by American consul Tunis that he had got their cable and that he was well and writing to them regularly. Details recent letter from him and comments…

Received two letters and three post cards from him. Comments on contents of his letters. Mentions that they had not seen oranges in England. Mentions time letters take to travel and that they have sent cables. Talks of their life in general. Catches…

Reminisces over previous Easter. Writes of activities including looking for a house. Mentions shortage of houses and long waiting lists. Discusses finance and his allotment to them and that he had tried to change it. Delighted to hear that he had…

Compares English weather with what he is likely to be having. Reminisces on past events. Writes of their activities over Easter holiday. Mentions the chocolate he asked for and they were not able to get it. Wrote to Red Cross to help. Notes they are…
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