Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Still waiting for letter number 3. Enquired at post office if they could cable him, not allowed. Hopes he is OK and talks of English winter. Mentions letters she had received and sent to others and passes on news.
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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[inserted] 14 [/inserted]
[inserted] 28-1-41 [/inserted]
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
My dear Douglas
I am still eagerly awaiting letter number 3. & all this long time wondering how things are going with you. And I’m just wanting this old year to pass quickly away. I do so want to feel that once again we are “in touch” & I don’t suppose you will have a letter from me until mid-January. I told you that we enquired at the G.P.O. if we could cable to you but were not allowed to do so. I try to picture you in your new surroundings & hope you are well, & content as possible under the circumstances. At least you will miss our not too comfortable English winter with its consequent discomforts of chilblains & chills. Thank goodness, Dad & I are immune so far, touch wood! I had a nice letter from Mollie on Friday – such a long one. She seems very happy anticipating the arrival of Andrew [indecipherable name] Ian Newbould or Susan Caroline Anne Newbould. Fancy a baby named [indecipherable word]. However if it brings the desired good fortune “What’s in a name”? You know love I’ve written yards & yards of
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letters during the past week. Fortunately I made a list at the beginning & the names are being X’ed off very nicely. I had a long letter from John on Saturday. He told how he had written to you on a “huge” sheet of paper & I am so glad for you to have news from other people. This morning I had a nice letter from Auntie Lizzie enclosing p.o. for 5/- to get something for Douglas & we are wondering if you have any special needs. The old [three indecipherable letters] has been a bit troublesome for a few days & this a.m. the man from Frank’s came to look at it. There is something wrong with the switch & as it will take some time to get a new one we have to operate by pulling the whole plug in & out. I am expecting Mrs Clayton tomorrow afternoon. As usual she never has a minute for anything & comes in often very late. Habit of course. Goodbye love once again. All love from Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes.
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
[inserted] 28-1-41 [/inserted]
10 Moorside Rd.
Salford 7
My dear Douglas
I am still eagerly awaiting letter number 3. & all this long time wondering how things are going with you. And I’m just wanting this old year to pass quickly away. I do so want to feel that once again we are “in touch” & I don’t suppose you will have a letter from me until mid-January. I told you that we enquired at the G.P.O. if we could cable to you but were not allowed to do so. I try to picture you in your new surroundings & hope you are well, & content as possible under the circumstances. At least you will miss our not too comfortable English winter with its consequent discomforts of chilblains & chills. Thank goodness, Dad & I are immune so far, touch wood! I had a nice letter from Mollie on Friday – such a long one. She seems very happy anticipating the arrival of Andrew [indecipherable name] Ian Newbould or Susan Caroline Anne Newbould. Fancy a baby named [indecipherable word]. However if it brings the desired good fortune “What’s in a name”? You know love I’ve written yards & yards of
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letters during the past week. Fortunately I made a list at the beginning & the names are being X’ed off very nicely. I had a long letter from John on Saturday. He told how he had written to you on a “huge” sheet of paper & I am so glad for you to have news from other people. This morning I had a nice letter from Auntie Lizzie enclosing p.o. for 5/- to get something for Douglas & we are wondering if you have any special needs. The old [three indecipherable letters] has been a bit troublesome for a few days & this a.m. the man from Frank’s came to look at it. There is something wrong with the switch & as it will take some time to get a new one we have to operate by pulling the whole plug in & out. I am expecting Mrs Clayton tomorrow afternoon. As usual she never has a minute for anything & comes in often very late. Habit of course. Goodbye love once again. All love from Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes.
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 10, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23084.
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