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  • Tags: flight engineer

Pamphlet cover. Text title and b/w photograph of an airman wearing flying helmet and jacket sitting at engineer station in aircraft with flight engineer brevet overlaid. On the back cover RAF badge and roundel.

This item is available only at the…

Made out for Flight Lieutenant Wakefield for refuelling, daily inspection (airframe and engines). Stamped 617 Squadron.

Names of crew including Harold Wakefield

Notes that Harold Wakefield was engaged on special duties dropping the new 1--ton bomb. Notes he had done 58 operational flights and volunteered for his third tour. Stated he was previously awarded DFC and gives some personal details. Includes b/w…

Account of Pilot Officer Harold Ernest Wakefield having been awarded the DFC in recognition of numerous operations against the enemy. Gives some personal local and family details.

Metal half brevet with 'E'

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant Harold Ernest Wakefield wearing tunic with flight engineer's brevet.

Top left - front quarter view of a York parked on hardstanding. Captioned 'Our York at Negombo, Colombo, Ceylon Oct 45'.
Top right - view from air of coastline. Captioned 'Coast near Casablanca, Morocco, July 1945'.
Centre - Three airmen in front…

Top left - two men, one wearing swimming trunks, the other shirt and shorts standing either side of a local boy on a beach with trees in the background. Captioned 'Engineer (J Ormerod) a Sinhalese boy and self on beach at Negombo, Ceylon, March…

List of crew in which Charlie Warner flew as flight engineer, that was shot down on 3/4 September 1943. All were killed except the front gunner who was a prisoner of war.

Five airmen wearing tunic with half brevet and side caps sitting and standing in two rows. On the reverse 'Sgt Ken Wallace, Sgt Charles Warner, Sgt Stan Woods, July 1st 1943. Sgt Horace Watkiss, Sgt Dennis Schofield'.

Head and shoulders. portrait of a flying officer wearing battledress with flight engineer half brevet and distinguished flying cross ribbon. Signed 'Norman Colebourne 1945'. Accompanying card captioned 'Victor Stapely DFC, painting on card, RAF…

Crew brought crippled bomber home from operation to Cologne. Brief description of damage to aircraft and recovery to base. Three members of crew received awards including DFC for pilot Thomas Mahaddie DSO AFC who was awarded his fourth decoration the…

Gives brief details of operation to Frankfurt. Describes being attacked and being hit in bomb bay and subsequent fire. Continues with description of bale out and meeting up with flight engineer on the ground. Gives detailed description of evading for…

Some information about 467 Squadron's history and about Lancaster R5863 'S Sugar' which is currently in the RAF museum at Hendon. Mentions operations on 6 June 1944. Includes colour photograph showing front quarter of a Lancaster inside a museum. In…

Five airmen sitting on the rear of a Lancaster. On the reverse:-
' Left to Right
Harold -Navigator
Johny - Bomb-aimer
Joe - Engineer
Bill - Mid-upper gunner
Roy - Rear Gunner
Oct 1943'.

Maurice and crew arranged in two rows. On the reverse
'From L back, Harold, Robinson, Maurice, Johny
front Bill, Roy, Joe.'

Two airmen standing one wearing tunic the other battledress, both with half brevet standing in front of a Nissen hut. Annotated 'GT' under left hand man. Submitted with caption 'Gordon and his Bomb Aimer (Gordon on the left)'.

Three aircrew, two wearing battledress and the other a tunic, all with side caps, standing arm in arm in front of a wooden hut. On the reverse 'P L Webb, R'.

Three-quarter length image of two airmen wearing tunics with half brevet standing in front of a low fence. On the reverse 'P L Webb, R'.

Top left - an account of Peter Webb's service career. A flight engineer's brevet with photograph of seven crew underneath.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing uniform tunics with brevet standing in line.
Left middle - a drawing of a winter scene…

Sandy and his seven crew members. On the reverse 'After Nov 1944 Scanlan photo'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A head and shoulders portrait of Sandy.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Notes taken from a book 'Nobody Unprepared The History of 78 Squadron' by Vernon Holland. John was the bomb aimer on the Halifax.

Lists crew and then provides description of operations to Berlin (first operation), Leipzig and Schweinfurt between the 15 and 25 February 1944. Describes events, bomb load and distances.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…
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