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Oblique aerial photograph showing Narford Lake in the bottom half. To the top left of the lake is Narford Hall. Above the lake tree plantations in estate.

An oblique aerial view of Bay Street, downtown Nassau. It is annotated 'K1 478 [indecipherable] DIA'.

An oblique aerial photograph of Bay Street and harbour at Nassau.
It is annotated 'No 1 Squadron 16/3/44'.

Target photograph of Neuss. Glare and cloud obscures all ground detail. It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2720 MEP.6/7.1.45//NT(C) 7" 20,000' 029º 1853. NEUSS E 1HC4000IN, 13ANM64DT. 31 SECS. F/S. O'MALLEY C.75".

An aerial photograph of cloud-covered Neuss, near Düsseldorf. The cloud obscures all detail and all that can be seen through the cloud is a large glow, probably from the ground, and the wavy trace of a flare.

The photograph is captioned:

Target photograph of an operation to Neuss. Only a large area of glare, roughly in the middle, is visible. It is annotated '5B' and captioned:
'1787 MEP 23/24.9.44//NT 8" 19,000 ← 055 º 2127
NEUSS. H1. 11 x 1000. 4 x 500. 31 SECS. F/S…

Target photograph of Nevers railway yards. Flak burst or photoflash obscures middle of photograph. Railway sidings and three roundhouses can be seen together with main railway line running from lower left to top right surrounded by built-up areas and…

Target photograph of city visible between breaks in cloud and smoke. Falling bombs visible bottom centre. Captioned 'More bombs go down in inferno that was Duisburg'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing cratered landscape with caption explaining that this was part of fortress area of Le Havre after the RAF's 5,000 ton daylight attack.

Photograph of shoreline with 'breach' indicated by arrow and shows flooded area. Text explains that the photograph shows breach in dyke with sea rushing in. Germans report 6000 of garrison trapped by floods.

Target photographs with clouds and smoke with falling bombs in centre. Text below describes twin attacks on Duisburg which ended the life of Germany's greatest inland port.

Target photograph of a city visible through breaks in cloud and smoke. Captioned 'vast smoke cloud trails away with wind from blazing Duisburg during the RAFs 10000 - ton week-end assault'.

Five cuttings from newspapers. Item 1 refers to an attack on Northern France on 31 August 1944 (annotation). Item 2 is a comment from Sir Arthur Harris praising the accurate bombing of the German garrison at Le Havre, September 1944. Item 3 is a…

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.

Two photographs of Niagra Falls, both captioned 'Niagra Falls from the air June 1943'.
The first is of a large wide body of water cascading over the edge with large buildings close by, captioned 'The American Falls with Niagra Falls, New york State…

Reconnaissance photograph showing a river running top to bottom and a bridge crossing in the middle with several spans down. There are many craters on both sides of the river. Explanatory note 'NIENBURG BRIDGE over the river Weser after the attack by…

Oblique aerial photograph of the village of Nieuwerkerk on the island of Schouwen-Duiveland. The church of Johanneskerk and its surrounding road is visible in the centre but the surrounding buildings, streets and farmland are flooded. Over the…

An aerial view of McDonald airfield surrounded by snow, captioned 'McDonald 6,000 ft'.

A flight of nine Vickers Vincents flying over Aden Harbour.

A vertical aerial reconnaissance photograph of Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam with two target areas marked.

A vertical aerial photograph identifying two Noball targets at Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam,

A vertical aerial photograph of Noisy-le-Sec, Paris. Five targets are marked.

Target photograph of Nordhausen. Substantially obscured by smoke, dust and cloud. Where visible, streets and buildings appear to be mainly industrial. Captioned '5°F', '4B', '5046 SKELL.4.4.45//8" 15750 360° 0917 NORDHAUSEN.U .…

The three navigation sheets give details of the planned routes out and back as well as observations and events during the operation. The map plots the routes to be flown.
Note from the Navigation Officer 'Satisfactory. Why not use 40[degree] method…

A 6 page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Sortie report for an operation to Bruck Marshalling yards

Page 2:Vertical aerial target photograph of an unknown location showing some ground detail as tracer trails. Not all…
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