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Catches up with home news but states unable to get home for weekend because of part time training. Discusses callup situation and that he is hoping to get in with a draft of recruits being sent overseas. Mentions writing to the air force. States he…


Written from No 2 training camp (Royal Air Force Contingent) Bulawayo. mentions his call up and reporting to the RAF. Says they will be sent to England or Canada for training. Writes about pay and allowances and speculates about the future including…


Written via the Rhodesian High Commission in London. Reports he is well but has not heard from her since leaving but had received letters from other relatives in United Kingdom who thought him a hero for travelling so far to join the air force. Glad…

Writes that he has recovered from recent illness and is still at RAF Bridgnorth, not doing much RAF stuff. Mentions inoculations, shooting. Says not heard from relative but visited Wolverhampton again. Mentions costs of things and rationing. Writes…

Pleased to receive her letter and news. States he was interviewed and accepted as pilot and would shortly start courses as long as medical was passed. Keen to get at Germans that they hear every night. However, he notes training will take some…

Received her third letter and says he is still at Bridgnorth. Mention he passed his medical for pilot and is awaiting posting for training. Mentions 175 Germans shot down previous day. Mentions weather, going to Wolverhampton and other activities…

Writes that he received her latest letter. Mentions he had had some leave and managed to get to see relatives in Somerset. Provides a full description of journey and his activities while there and catches up with family news. Concludes by saying he…

Writes that he has now moved to near Torquay and has started his pilot's course. Describes local area and accommodation. Thanks her for forwarding cash. Catches up with family/friends news. Mentions Rhodesian casualties in Egypt. Writes that they are…

Sends Christmas seasons greetings. Writes he continues on his courses and is getting ready for exams. Would be sorry to leave current location as next one would be colder. Describes social and work activities.


Thanks her for recent letters. Commiserates over bad news about a friend. Catches up with other family news. Mentions that he had a weeks leave and went to Scotland to visit friends and family. Describes visit in some detail and catches up with…


Thanks her for letters and parcel of cigarettes and sweets. Says Christmas parcel she mentioned sent via him to has not arrived yet and advises sending any others direct. Writes of £10 she sent and mentions what he did with it. Still at Paignton and…


Thanks her for letter and comments on weather and that it had snowed. Writes of going on a route march and having a snow ball fight. Mentions everything is frozen and doing P.T. outside. Had his move to elementary flying near Hull cancelled but hope…


Thanks her for letter and all the other things she sent. Writes that he has now moved from Paignton to elementary flying school at Brough. Says that conditions there were very nice and mentions nothing to do in local area but had to go to Hull.…


Writes that he had written regularly and was at a loss as to why she had had no mail from him. Possibly the mail had gone down. Still at Brough but no flying due to fog and rain. Mentions other mail and discusses a photograph. Writes of all the other…


Writes he is well but no mail has arrived. Comments that poor weather preventing flying but he had passed the last lot of ground exams and now studying for next ones. Carries on about the weather, mentions film he has seen and that winter Sunday's in…


Writes that he has had no letter but suspects ship sunk. Little to report, had done a little flying and ready to go solo weather permitting. Preparing for final ground exams and once done - posting to another station for advanced training. However,…


Reports he was well and had received newspapers from home and comments on news. No letter from her for five weeks. Not much happening apart from exams but no flying. Asks after friends and family at home.


Reports arrival of two letters and four newspapers. Catches up with home news. Writes that they had finished final exams and awaiting results. Fly when weather is good and hoping that they will be able to move on soon. mentions flying previous day.


Still at Brough and finished ground instruction and fly every day when weather permits. Writes about money mistake made by Post Office now rectified. Received letter from acquaintance asking him if he was OK. Passes on news from other letters. Writes…


Writes that he had had no letter from her for a month. Mentioned wings exam so now ready for operational training once he had completed his 72 hours flying. Writes that he went to Rhodesia house to see if he could get off the instructors course to…

Thanks her for letters and photographs. Writes they are taking wing exam next week. He had also been recommended for a commission and had passed his medical. Not confident he has done enough work but they do get another chance although this would…


Writes of letters received and thanks her for hers. Had not written previous week as nothing had happened. Had flown a lot lately and mentions first solo cross country including experiences and route as well as having to land to refuel. Says he has…


Thanks her for letters and acknowledges receipt of their cable and photographs. Catches up with news of family/friends. Says he will cable every two weeks to let them know he is OK. Mentions wings and commissioning had been granted but does not wear…

Writes that he is now at new station (Upper Heyford) and recounts recent activities. Says he now a pilot officer and describes recent leave in London and Somerset as well as catching up with family news. Goes on to describe leave in Scotland and…
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