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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Gives rules for letters, enclosures, methods of address for prisoners where war number and camp address known or details not yet announced. Mentions prisoners in Italian hands and that no attempts should be made to contact through neutral countries.…

Form P2280E issued to family of prisoners of war. Rules and advice on how to communicate with prisoners of wars.

Congratulatory message to Major Gordon Lett accompanying the delivery of six containers of supplies, intended as a token of gratitude for the help given to Allied prisoners of wars. Mentions positive feedback from servicemen who have crossed the…

Two contents lists for red cross parcels sent by Ursula Valentine. Two contents list sent for Christmas 1942 by Director Hansson and Mrs Skagerlind from Sweden. Two address cards.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 242-1.jpg
Field Marshall Harold Alexander thanks Manlio Filippini for the help given to allied soldiers.

The letter was written 12 days before his last flight over Germany. He expresses his feelings if he is captured or dies serving his country.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 012-1.jpg
H R Alexander, Field Marshall Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre, thanks Bruno Parenti for the help given to Allied Soldiers.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 009-1.jpg
Field Marshall H R Alexander thanks Narciso Poli for the help given to Allied Soldiers of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Table with names of prisoner of war camps, location and map square.

Gives instructions on numbers of letters allowed , number of pages, how to post, return address, lay out of envelope. No communication through neutral countries or telegraphic communication allowed.

List of crew in which Charlie Warner flew as flight engineer, that was shot down on 3/4 September 1943. All were killed except the front gunner who was a prisoner of war.

Eight photographs of the crew of Stirling BK604. Four were killed and four were taken prisoner.

Pilot’s flying log book for D A Robinson, covering the period from 23 November 1942 to 21 May 1948. Covering his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. It states in his log book that his previous one was lost due to enemy action…

Four actors dressed in period costume, one dressed as a woman. They are flanked by two airmen. Behind them on the stage is a band sitting behind music stands. There is a painted backdrop of a city scene.

Two actors dressed as civilians on either side of a tall uniformed man. He is wearing a double breasted jacket, shirt tie and hat. He has three medals.

A couple including a man dressed as a woman wearing a long dress and a fur top standing on the stage. He is wearing a jacket, flannels, shirt and tie. Behind is a painted backdrop of a balustrade and buildings

Three actors in dark suits and bow ties. Two men dresses similarly in loose trousers and cossack tops. One is holding an accordion and the other a whip. On stage is a piano and a set of drums. Behind is a painted ornamental balustrade and city scene.…

Musicians playing a piano. an oboe, a double bass, drums, guitar and trumpet, on stage. Behind is the painted backdrop of an ornamental balustrade and a city scene.

Nine actors and four musicians. The actors are seated on stage and are wearing wide brimmed, conical hats. The musicians are playing guitars, a violin and a lute.

Two actors with 'bald' wigs and moustaches are seated. Lying against them are two men dressed as women leaning in a dramatic pose. Behind is washing and a laundry.

One actor on his knee beside a man dressed in flannels and jacket. They are watched by a man dressed as a woman. They are in a bedroom with a bed and a painted backdrop of a wallpaper and a dressing table with a large alarm clock.

14 musicians sitting and standing behind music stands. There is a grand piano and a conductor. Behind there is a painted backdrop of a city scene

Six of the actors are dressed in old Chinese costumes. One man is dressed as a woman in conventional long dress. The backdrop is of Chinese appearance.

One man on his knee beside a man dressed as a Chinese woman. They are holding hands. The female character holds a fan in her other hand. The backdrop is of a Chinese building.

Seven men dressed as women dancing on the stage with outsize bloomers. Three men are standing at the back beside a person seated on a ceremonial chair.
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