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  • Tags: pilot

Six aircrew, three sitting and three standing wearing tunic with brevet. Five are sergeants and one a flight sergeant.
Back - Ron Britt (Mid Upper Gunner, RAF), Jack Widdowson (Wireless Operator, RAF) and Arthur Bergman (Bomb Aimer, RAAF)
Front -…

Formal portrait of six aircrew in two rows. Front row sitting, rear row standing, all in battledress. On the reverse 'Back row L to R, K Broch W/Op, Don Wills r/g, Bill Le[...], Front row L to R, W Mundy B/Aimr, K E J Tammel pilot, R [...] Nav'.

Six aircrew wearing battledress, four wearing side caps and two wearing flying boots standing in a line by the rear turret of a Lancaster. In the background another Lancaster.

Six aircrew in two rows, front three kneeling, rear three standing all wearing battledress. Derrick Allen is front row left. In the background the nose of a Lancaster on the left and a lorry on the right. Second photograph same as the first

Six aircrew, five wearing tunic and the sixth a greatcoat standing in line in front of a Wellington. Aircraft has 'Edward III' on the nose. On the reverse 'Crew of Edward III, Jan? 1940'. David Donaldson is fourth from left.

Six aircrew wearing parachute harnesses standing in line in front of a Wellington with name Marienne. A ladder is visible leading to entry hatch. Ground is sand covered and two of the crew are wearing shorts. The second photograph on the reverse…

Six aircrew all wearing battledress and side caps, three standing and three squatting down. Lachie McBean with pilot's brevet is centre rear row. In the background a Nissen hut.

Six aircrew wearing tunics and side caps standing in line in front of a Wellington. Aircraft has name 'Edward III' on nose below turret. In the background trees. David Donaldson is third from the left.

Six aircrew all wearing battledress and side cap. Three kneeling in front and three standing behind. David Donaldson is centre front holding dog 'Dusky'. Ken Churchill is standing back row, right. Two signatures and dog's name along the bottom. In…

Six airmen. At least four have Canada epaulettes. On the reverse
'A Happy & Efficient Crew
Two Gunners
Wireless Operator

Six airmen including Alexander Lamb grouped at the boarding hatch of a Lancaster. Annotated with 'navigator on leave'.

Six airmen are leaning and sitting in a Miles Magister.

A colourised image of six airmen standing in grass. Four are holding cigarettes.

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Six airmen standing in a row in front of a Wellington. Two of the men are pilots.

Six men in a row at the entrance to a brick building. Two of the men are pilots.

Six airmen grouped at the rear entrance of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'ME844 LS-C until 23/37 March 1945'.

Six aircrew one wearing tunic, five battledress, all with brevet standing in line under the port wing of a Manchester.

Six airmen standing casually. Five are wearing side caps and one a peaked cap. One is in United States Army Air Force uniform. A path leads off into the distance. They are framed by a tree on the left. The image is damaged with a central section…

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Six airmen standing casually. Five are wearing side caps and one a peaked cap. One is in United States Army Air Force uniform. A path leads off into the distance. They are framed by a tree on the left. The image is damaged with a central section…

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Six airmen standing on a lawn in front of bushes and trees. The left hand section has the names of the individuals -
'Left to right: F/Lt Bob Merrick
Lt/Col Clark USA
W/Cdr 'Digger' Larkin
W/Cdr 'Dickey' Milne
W/Cdr 'Prickey' Day

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Six airmen standing outside a concrete hut.

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Six airmen in leather flying jackets grouped under their aircraft. On the reverse -
'Crew 3
AM Clark 2nd Pilot Australian
DJ White Navigator English
SV Wilson 2nd Radio Op N.Z.
BR Southwell Captain Australian
DB Gaunt Rear Gunner Rhodesia

Six airmen, five wearing uniform with brevet and one in the centre wearing tunic, all standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Two versions o the same image.

Six airmen in two rows. John Preston is bottom right.

Six airmen in a group outside a Nissen hut. On the reverse ' "Too Stiff to Move" so the photo was taken again, a little further away. L to R Pilot, Wop, Mid upper gunner, rear gunner.
L to R Navigator, Bomb- Aimer'.
Information supplied with the…
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