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  • Tags: pilot

Seven aircrew wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Halifax.

Seven aircrew, including Jeff Brown (second left), standing beneath a Lancaster on dispersal. One of them is smoking, and carrying a flying helmet. Two of them have flying boots. Five are sergeants. Two are pilots. The aircraft has H2 on the forward…

Seven airmen some wearing flying kit standing in line in front of a Halifax. On the reverse 'Taken on 10.9.44 before take off on our 27th trip, from left to right:
1. F/Lt Jim Mundle DFC 23 Bomb Aimer, Glasgow Scotland.
2. Sgt Jim Cann 2, Engineer…

Seven aircrew standing in front of the rear turret of Lancaster VN-R. Five men have Mae Wests, one unfastened. The pilot in the middle wears a peaked cap.

L V Sharpe is second from the right.

Additional information about this item has been…

Seven aircrew in two rows three kneeling in front and four standing behind. Derrick Allen is on the right of front row. Two in the centre of the back row are wearing peaked cap and remainder side caps. In the background part of the fuselage of a…

Seven aircrew in various uniform. One wearing Mae West is sitting on a chock in front while the others, three with Mae Wests stand behind. In the background the front of a Lancaster with bomb door open. The aircraft has the letter 'S' on the nose and…

Seven aircrew wearing battledress with brevet stand in line in front of a Lancaster.

Seven aircrew wearing Mae West standing in line at rear of a Lancaster.

The seven airmen are standing in front of a brick building. On the reverse 'L-R, ? Money F/E, Des Taylor, Nav, Nettleton, Pilot, ? ? ?, Possibly crew at Winthorpe. Money + Taylor ex 44 Sqn, Waddington + Nettleton.'

Two versions of same photograph. Seven men all wearing battledress under the wing of a Lancaster. Four standing in line and the other three with parachute harnesses are squatting in front of them. Visible are a part of a propeller, wing and starboard…

Seven airmen in flying kit, arranged in a line under their aircraft.
On the reverse
'Tholthorpe 44/45
L to R
Bourke (N)
Self (E) Lalond (MU. G)
Alarle (Rear G)
Brassard (P)
Bernatchez (R)
Tieven (WOP)
Photo Reg [indecipherable]'

A group of seven airmen standing in front of their Lancaster. The pilot (centre) is holding a toy creature.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven airmen in flying kit beside a Halifax mainwheel.
On the reverse ' 6U-I 415 Sqn NA202 East Moor' and
'RCAF Eastmoor 1945
L-R Rear [indecipherable] F/Sgt (Red) Middleton
F/O McKenzie (MAC) B/A RCAF Fl/Lt…

Seven airmen in flying kit standing in front of their Halifax.
On the reverse 'Halifax Mk V Poss SE-W LL258'
'Left to right as viewed
"Jock" Heron M/O
"Ned" Sparkes F/Eng
"Badge"Badgery (RAAF) Pilot
"Archie" Pitt Nav
"Jack" Page…

Seven airmen positioned on and around a table in a hut.

Seven men standing beside a Nissen hut.

Two similar images of seven airmen grouped together. In the background is a large bush. On the reverse of the first photo is a handwritten comment which is not decipherable.

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Seven airmen at the rear gun turret of a Lancaster. A typed caption has been added to the image stating 'Squadron Leader R.J. Lane DSO DFC Victoria BC (RCAF Photo)

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side caps sitting and standing in two rows in front of a brick building. submitted with caption 'Photo Stirlings [sic] Crew'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

A group of seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of a brick building. On the reverse 'David Purcell & Bill Cashman Leconfield 1943'.

Seven airmen standing underneath the front of Lancaster 'R'.

Seven aircrew all wearing tunics with brevet and side or peaked caps standing in line with trees in the background. Captioned from second man from left 'Ted W.Op, Art bomb aimer, Pat (DFM) skipper, Don engineer, Cliff navigator'.

Seven airmen in flying kit, standing at the rear of their Halifax. 158 Squadron, Lissett, Johnny Johnson crew. A second copy is annotated '158 Sqdn RAF Lissett 4 Group 1944' and each man is identified with their crew position. Another copy has each…

Seven airmen wearing tunics, six with side caps and one with peaked cap, in two rows. Three in the front row have brevet (one pilot, one observer, the other unidentified half brevet).

Two photographs of seven airmen standing underneath the damaged wing of a Lancaster. 'EA-D'.
On the reverse of the first photograph the annotation reads 'Uncle Tom on left'.
In the second photograph one of the men is pointing out some damage.
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