Browse Items (395 total)

  • Collection: Cheshire, Leonard

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left to middle right and another from middle to bottom. The whole bottom half of the image is covered with craters. On the reverse 'WATTEN. THE WHOLE TARGET AREA HAS BEEN…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left to bottom right. Caption '196, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 16500, 035 degrees, A., A., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/5'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left. Caption '170, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 degrees, B., B., 617'. On the reverse '51;95/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Road runs top left top bottom right. Cap[tion '161, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/7'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields on the left and an open area on the right. Caption ' 162. WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 030 degrees, C., C., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/8'.

Target photograph showing open countryside. Caption '186, W.S., 19.6.44, 8", 18500, 200 dsegrees, H., H., 617', On the reverse '51:95/9'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields bottom left and an open area on the right. Roads run top left to bottom right. Caption '155, WS, 19.6.44, 18400, 020 degrees, J., L., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/10'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields, Road runs top left to bottom right. Caption '154, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 020 degrees, J., L., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/11'.

Target photograph showing open country with fields at the bottom and open area at the top. Caption '184, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17000, 216 degrees, P., P., 617'. On the reverse '51:05/12'.

Target photograph partially obscured by cloud showing open countryside with some roads. Caption '152, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 16700, 240 degrees, S., S., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/13'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields at the top. Caption '165A, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 260, W., W., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/14'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and a road running top left to bottom right. There is an open area with no fields top right. Caption '173, WS, 19.6.44, 8", 17500, 047, X., X., 617'. On the reverse '51:95/15'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields at the bottom and open area at the top. A road runs top to bottom on right and another left to right at bottom. Caption '174, WS, 19.6.44, 8" 17500, 047 X., X. 617'. On the reverse '51.95/16'.

States date 19 June 1944, Target constructional works Watten, zero hour 1915/1931. Lists leader/marker Wing Commander Cheshire and marker 2, Squadron Leader Shannon in Mosquito with 18 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…

Buff file cover with list of contents: day photos, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, PRU report from B.C.I..R.

Reconnaissance photograph of the port of Boulogne. Numerous craters can be seen on land above the port entrance and around the dock area on the bottom of the image. Captioned 'Boulogne Sur Mer, K2494, scale 1:10,700'. On the reverse 'Date 11.7.44,…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the town to the bottom right with port area in the top right quadrant. Many bomb craters can be seen around the port area. On the reverse 'Date 11.7.44, WS, G108, 51:04/5, photo 178'.

Gives overall assessment and then detailed list of damage to E-boat pens, oil tanks, fuel storage, warehouses, huts, vessels, cranes, port facilities, public buildings, arsenal, other buildings in the town including the casino.

Reports severe damage to shipping over the whole dock area. Describes hits on E-boat pens, with some craters visible on roof with no apparent damage. Three oil storage tanks destroyed, Describes other damage to port area and facilities. Mentions…

Describes planned timing to attack at the same time as the main force. Reports that weather was unfavourable. After initially cancelling the operation leader checked out weather at low level but decided low visibility and target defences precluded…

States date 15/16 June 1944, target, zero hour 2235. Shows Wing Commander Cheshire leader and marker in Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Buff file cover lists contents: No photos - all failures, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, interpretation report. crew list.

Target photograph showing land at the top and sea at the bottom with town and harbour centre. There are two bomb explosions visible left centre and a bright spot below them to the right.. Caption '6 90, KLS, 14/6/44, 8" 20000, H, H625'. On the…
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