Browse Items (134 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-02"

Reports arrival of seven letters from him; latest from 21 November all from Laghouat. Notes a gap from 17 September to 22 October with no letters. Joy to know he is in good conditions in new camp and allowed out into town. Mentions book they got from…

Writes of reading one of his latest letters and glad he has better circumstances and able to have walks. Mentions autumn and winter weather they have had. Writes of their activities and hope that he can have a fire. Comments on content of other of…

Delighted to have received two more letters dated 16 and 25 November. Lists letters that have arrived and mentions stamps on them. Writes of trying to send letter in Oxo tin along with tea, cigarettes and chocolate but authorities in Nelson refused…

Writes of winter weather and snow. Comments on good weather in North Africa he reported in his latest letters. Notes they have not had much fog, possibly because they are out of town. Catches up with news of visitor and other activities. Joy to have…

Writes of cold weather and snow and trying to keep warm. Mentions his latest cable and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentioned he wrote he was not well and wondered if he had recovered. Philosophises on future. No progress with parcel…

Wrote that she had note from censor that she could not send a parcel direct but only via Red Cross and could only contain soap. Mentions some parcels got through but according to post office it was just good luck. Philosophises about hope. Continues…

Writes of weather and melting snow. Reminisces on past events. Philosophises on need for tolerance, courage and confidence of young causing anxiety amongst elders. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news. Says she is going to send…

Writes of her health and weather. Discusses problems of sending him a parcel which post office refuse. Says she will just continue to write letters even if they are dull and uninteresting. Mentions it was a year since moving to Nelson and says how…

Delighted to get cable but wished letters would get through as well. Mentions being encouraged to write letters but having little to say. Wonders whether he gets enough food and mentions food situation getting difficult at home with possible…

Writes of winter weather and snow but now looking forward to warmer days. Mentions trying to get news of friend with no luck. Last letter from him was dated 25 November and longing for more news. Talks of father's health and catches up with other…

The letter is a calculation of money owed to Catherine.

Peter Lamprey catches up with friend and mentions that he hopes to be posted south soon.

He has received his first parcel. One sentence has been censored.

He asks for a £1 to go into his Post Office savings account. He asks for books to be sent.

He reminds her to save a £1 a month in his savings account. He has photos from Winnie.

He thanks he for the photos. He has received ten letters from her, in a week. He is going to send her money for a holiday.

He has received eight letters. No Red Cross parcels and no cigarettes. They have had dances.

Catches up with family news, birthdays and other news. Mentions he had now moved to Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Florida. Describes living conditions and provides sketch map of camp. Comments on food, weather, and that they had not yet flown, Writes…

Writes of life at Turner Field, Georgia, including food, putting on weight, weather, pay, the hospitality and American people, local churches, American cars and on base activities. Continues with description of visits to local town. Expecting to be…

Relates trip to London and describes show at the Palladium and tea at the Canadian Beaver Club. Mentions some damage to buildings in London. Writes that that he has found an old toy engine at his billet for his son David. Talks of troops scheduled…

Writes from Medicine Hat with only four days to go. Still has some flying required to reach his 90 hours and weather has been poor. Outbreak of scarlet fever might delay departure. Still has C.F.I test to go and has found out he has been recommended…

Written from Medicine Hat announcing the course had finished and listing his ground examination results. Says that he has completed night flying but still has to do flight commander, C.F.I and final link trainer test. Writes that he passed his final…

Reports arrival of latest cable and his reply which was delayed due to address problem with the French. Glad that a lot of his letters to them have finally arrives after 8 weeks in transit. Hopes mail situation will improve now and they will be able…

Reports arrival of latest mail and glad to hear that eight of his letters have arrived which would let them know a little of conditions at Laghouat. Mentions he is now smoking a pipe but there is a lack of tobacco. Writes of difficult supply…

Reports arrival of latest mail as well as Christmas card and bookmark calendar. Answers their question comparing spring in North Africa to home. Mentions not receiving any clothes from Red Cross but had received considerable amount of food for which…
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