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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Canada--Assiniboia, District of"

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Dave thanks his fiancée, Betty, for a letter and a photograph. He considers sending Betty a picture of himself. He hopes to have a rest during the Christmas holidays. Dave plans to send a parcel of items to Betty and describes a small financial…

Dave writes that he received more letters and thanks Betty for sending a newspaper article. He is very busy with exams and has passed a flight test. Dave describes flight exercises and considers the possibility of changing camp after the course. He…

Dave is glad to have received news from his fiancée, Betty. He is still waiting for the 20-hours flight test. Dave has sent Betty a birthday present and wishes her well. He concludes with words of love, looking forward to seeing her again.

Dave informs his fiancée, Betty, that he received twelve letters and that he wanted to reply to all of them. He remembers the past and says he went to Assiniboia. Dave reports about his flights and the course. He concludes with words of love for…

Dave confesses that he was waiting for Betty's letters and he was missing her. He talks about weather, flight hours, colleagues and free time.

Dave warns his fiancée, Betty, that he had to change station again. The journey was long and tiring. It is located near the town of Assiniboia from which the station takes its name. He concludes with affection for Betty.
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