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  • Conforms To is exactly "Pending geolocation"

Vertical aerial photographs showing on the left an industrial area with roads and buildings and on the right the same area with most of the structures destroyed. Explanatory text underneath 'Zeitz. The left hand photograph shows this synthetic oil…

Photo 1 and 2 are vertical aerial photographs of Wesel during the attack. The first image is at the start of the bombing and one explosion can be seen. In the second image, one minute later, there are many explosions.

A vertical aerial photograph of an operation at Volkel airfield. Much of the image is obscured by bomb blasts and smoke.
It is captioned '1243 KLS 15.8.44//8" 15,500

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Vohwinkel. The left side of the image is obscured by explosions but there is a great deal of detail visible elsewhere.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of an unidentified location. The image is very…

View of a town below with grid of streets.

Target photograph for an operation to Valance Aerodrome. A road is visible, running diagonally top to bottom, surrounded by fields. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1669. FOG. 15/16 AUG 1944. //NT. F8. 9500'. -> 020° 23.38.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is a head and shoulders portrait of a women. An attached note states 'Werwaguk Indian. Our pet waitress'.
#2 s Miami, Oklahoma, looking North across the Neosho River showing the railway junction area.
#3 is an…

Two press cuttings. The first is captioned 'Frenchman waves to allied reconnaissance plane' and shows a road with two figures, one of them waving, the road running through small farmed fields, trees and more fields in the background.
The second is…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Trier. Much of the detail is obscured by bomb explosions but in the bottom right corner are fields and roads.

It is captioned :
'1654 SDL 23.12.44 // 7" 17000 097 1433 Trier B

Vertical aerial target photograph of Trento. Some ground details, mainly roads, are visible as is open countryside. In the upper part are several light trails from ordnance. It is captioned:
2829 104/90. 8/9-APR-45. F8". NT.//9,500'.→[redacted]…

View of residential part of town with open countryside beyond.

Part of town with open countryside beyond.

View of part of a town with residential buildings, from the air.

Top left - view looking down from aircraft of a city below. Captioned 'Tel Aviv, Palestine from 10,000 ft'.
Top right - view of secluded garden with trees and building in background. Captioned '"little bit of heaven" at Shaibah, behind officer's…


Air-to ground view of a snow covered airfield with huts and two parked Lancaster. Buildings at the top.

Two prints of the same target photograph showing open countryside. Road runs top middle to bottom right. Captioned '2172, 104/29, 20 Nov 44, F8, 8100 ft, →15.23, S.D. Sjenica'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing mostly open countryside. Bottom right shows entrance to railway tunnel with large crater and other craters to the right. On the reverse '15.6.44, WS, G79, 51:92/20'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing entrance of railway tunnel with large crater just above. Two other craters on approach line with others to the left and right. On the reverse '8.7.44, W.S. G94, 51:92/20'.

Image shows open countryside with Route National 158 between Caen and Falaise. Captioned '4425HLM.14-8-44//8" 6000 >140 degrees 1444 Tractable 22 RD, B16x500 c 23 secs F/S Jubb M76'.

Identification kindly provided by Ray Moroney of the Finding the…

Target photograph showing road running left middle to top right through open countryside. Captioned '2119, 104/26, 18/Nov/44, F8, 9500 ft, →14.45, D.S. Road S. of Stenica'.

Top - reconnaissance photograph of town on left with roads and open countryside on right.

Middle left - Air-to-air view of formation of four Lancasters in light paint scheme over open countryside. The tail plane of aircraft from which photo…

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

Photo 1 - view across the port wing of a Lancaster in flight. Mostly clouds.

Photo 2 - air-to-air view from the mid-upper turret looking aft towards five Lancasters.

Photo 3 - vertical aerial photograph of Wesel, Germany during a bombing…

A vertical aerial reconnaissance photograph of Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam with two target areas marked.

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.
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