Commences with call up and journey to Innsworth camp. Describes accommodation, activities and compatriots in detail. Continues with very detailed description of training and activities at Compton Bassett. After a farewell concert was posted to Bawtry…
Describes posting to, journey to and arrival at Bawtry Hall. Goes on to describe accommodation and living conditions. Continues with description of duties including cleaning ablutions and lecture rooms. Goes on with description of life and…
Describes farewell concert at undisclosed location and closure of chapter of authors introduction to service life. Goes on to write of arrival at Bawtry Hall with friend Dorothy at new location with description of accommodation and cleaning…
Describes arrival at Cranwell in a cold December. Describes accommodation in detail. Goes on with mention of living conditions and description of camp and facilities. Continues with descriptions of daily activities, classrooms, instructors and…