Essay about Frederick Delius



Essay about Frederick Delius


Written at the age of 13 as author had to give this lecture to class at school. Essay on life and work of Frederick Delius.






One-page handwritten document


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[inserted] This was written by me at the age of 13 I had to give this lecture to the class at school. [/inserted]

[underlined] 1 [/underlined]

Frederick Delius

One writes the name of Frederick Delius with feelings of special respect. During the last ten years we have grown more aquainted [sic] with his works, and he has come to command a respect which even this age, reputed to be so ill-mannered, pays to genius, he has not been honoured by his countrymen as he deserves, and much has been said in the press about this.

Sir Thomas Beecham publicly expressed his opinion that in giving Delius the Order of Merit the British Government would be doing an honour to British Music and to the British people.

Frederick Delius was born in Bradford in the year 1863 and for years he has been an invalid from paralysis, and is almost totally blind, but he [missing words] fine courage, which we all admire, and continues his work by the help of his wife who acts as his secratary [sic] with a devotion not less fine.

With his physical disabilities, which would be a draw back to most people, Delius has enjoyed a singularly happy life. If he has not achieved fame in the larger sense the qualities of his work have been long appreciated by the few and some of the smaller masterpieces such as Brigg Fair; Summer Evening on the [deleted] Fair [/deleted] River; On Hearing the first cuckoo in spring, are familiar numbers in our orchestral programmes His violin concerto is treasured by every self respecting violinist, and his Piano concerto is commonly given to students to learn.

When Fleckers Hassan was produced with such a flourish of trumpets at his Majesty’s

[missing pages]



K Reid, “Essay about Frederick Delius,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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