Browse Items (427 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Claire Monk"

Confirms information in previous telegram, information from American Consul in Tunis that son previously reported missing is interned and safe in Tunisia

In the foreground two people, one carrying a bucket the other a sack. They are surrounded by tall palm trees. To the right a wall and in the background buildings. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and explaining an event related to…

On the right a mosque with minaret. In the centre town buildings on the left trees. In the background mountains. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and stating that this was the view from the top of a minaret.

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson writing that he is delighted to have received cross parcel and about…

Walled town in a valley, In the background a forest and other buildings. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and writes that he is fit and well and he has written another letter with more news.

Newspaper cuttings announcing that James Douglas Hudson is missing

List of names awarded Distinguished Flying Cross including Pilot Officer J D Hudson. Notes he was commissioned from ranks in 1944.

Lists for Distinguished Flying Cross and Medal. Includes Pilot Officer James Douglas Hudson, Nelson, Lancashire.

Gives account of Distinguished Flying Cross to Flight Lieutenant Leslie Roberts of Brierfield and Pilot Officer James Douglas Hudson.

Account of troops in Scotland marooned without supplies and bomber loaded with 700 pound of bread drops supplies. Further supplies were dropped over a few days.

Sergeant observer J Douglas Hudson resting at home after being released from spending two years in French North African internment camps. Freed after British and American troop landings in November. Tells of force landing in Tunisia, internment in Le…

Account of Douglas Hudson's safe arrival home after two years internment in French North Africa. Notes squalid conditions in camps and two escape attempts.

Reports death in active service of Air Gunner Douglas William Randall who was previously a fellow inmate of Laghouat internment camp where he produced the camp newspaper and helped organise sport.

Entries for January, February and part of May 1943. Entries include shopping list, reminders, addresses, appointments and train times/journeys.

Christmas greetings to employees of George Harker and Company Limited. Relates Christmas day activities of an army unit in the Middle East as well as wishing employees well.

Three extracts of letters of staff of George Harker and Company Limited serving in the forces. The first relates to clerical duties in the army, the second complains of nothing happening apart from being snowed in and the third waiting to start…

Philip Batty applied to rejoin the Royal Air Force having left after his wartime service.

A menu produced by the RAF 2 Base Area Rest and Leave Camp, Rome. On the reverse are several signatures.

A list of aircraft used to attack Nordhausen on 4th April 1945. The list has tabulated, aircraft code and registration, Captain, Sortie, Bomb load, Departure and arrival times and Remarks. At the bottom is the CO's name - S/L Howes, two different…

An account of 207 Squadron operations undertaken by Malcolm Staves whilst at RAF Spilsby.

34 airmen and a dog arranged in four rows. Captioned ''A Squadron Aug. - Sept. 1946'. The individuals are named; Pilot Officer Malcolm Staves is fourth from the right on the third row.

A group of 22 airmen and two airwomen, arranged in three rows. The header reads 'Royal Air Force' Hereford No.2 School of Admin. Trades' and the footer 'No 14 "A" Basic Storeman Course 1957.'

Surnames given below. Cpl Attwood is front row, third…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 242-1.jpg
Field Marshall Harold Alexander thanks Manlio Filippini for the help given to allied soldiers.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 229-1.jpg
The sender is sorry to know that Michele has been found guilty of desertion, expresses gratitude, and states that ‘you and your dear family were the means of saving our lives’.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 217-1.jpg
Incomplete letter from a Mrs Keene, probably a relative of James Michael Taggard (6978419). She thanks the recipient for the help given to him, and says he's well.
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