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John repeats his request for clothes. He is about to watch a film. He continues to study, in particular Spanish. He asks for chocolate. He is happy.

John writes that he has received seven letters from his parents. He thanks them for the parcels hat they have sent, but he has not received. There have been concerts at the camp.

John writes that he has received three more letters.

John is studying maths, science, radio, German and philosophy. He asks for books on these subjects and Ohmav[sic] Light of Asia. He has been keeping busy.

John has received two letters. He also received a parcel of cigarettes. He is well and asking after family and friends.

He has had no letters from home. He has attended concerts. He wishes his mother happy birthday. He asks about family and friends.

He is healthy and in good spirits. The educational classes have been temporarily suspended but they have a library. A Red Cross parcel recently arrived and they ate well for once.

John repeats his request for items to be sent out. He says he is being treated well.

John writes that he is a prisoner of war. He asks for a toothbrush and paste, razor blades, underwear, socks, shirts and collars. He also asks for letters and parcels.

A newspaper report recording Field Marshall Smuts declaration that a coordinated triple attack will end Nazidom.

The front cover, its reverse side and a message from the King and Queen about the workmanship in the book.

The cover, front page, foreword and Memorial Sheet of The Log. In particular it refers to the 51 prisoners of war who were murdered by the Germans.

Two photographs of huts at Stalag 3A.

The covers and foreword page of a book on learning German.

A newspaper cutting with an article about life in prison of war camps.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Six airmen wearing jackets over their uniform or jerseys, with gloves and caps standing outside a Nissen hut.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Head and shoulder portrait of Jim with his engineer's brevet and sergeant stripes. Captioned 'To Jackie from Jim'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A head and shoulder portrait of David James 'Jim' Hughes in training half cap. Captioned 'Jas. Dickinson, 43, High Street West, Wallsend'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

1) 134 members, including 27 in peaked caps arranged in four rows in front of a Halifax.

2) 97 uniformed men and one officer in five rows in an open field.

3) 100 men arranged in six rows in front of a leafless tree in parkland with residential…

A series of head and shoulder portraits of four of Jim's aircrew mates standing in front of a sergeant's mess.

Additional information about the item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Sergeant (AC) David James Hughes' service and release book from 7 February 1944 to 28 May 1947 including personal details.

Authority to grant Sergeant David Hughes to wear the 1939-45 Star and the France and Germany Star.


Issued to Sergeant David Hughes amounting to £45 17s 16d.

Permission for David to be absent from quarters and notes reading 'Douglas. 350' and 'Sgt. Tracy C. 68 Sandgate Blackpool'.

Issued to David Hughes enclosing the remainder of his pay and entitlements amounting to £3 11s 4d.
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