Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife



Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife


Writes while sunbathing on the beach. Describes life in Newquay mentioning numbers of evacuated children and some aspects of his training. Engages in banter and relates some events. Talks about their car and speculates over his future moves. Discusses finances. Envelope is postmarked Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk and it is possible envelope is not associated with letter.




Temporal Coverage



Six page handwritten letter and envelope


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.




Mrs K Wynn
Sunny Brae
Nr Warrington
[1 D Postage stamp]
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Reverse of envelope, no marks
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Newquay 1
[underlined] Wednesday [/underlined]
[inserted] PS I could do with another Pad like this please [/inserted]
Thanks for the letter, I am pleased to hear that you managed a lesson or two. I would not go to Wyrley with Eric though it might seem funny to them. If you write to Dad’s ask him to see Fred & [corrected] Exchange [/corrected] some coupons for some transport coupons which you can cash anywhere, you should obtain a (Form RMS 5) to send for some to the Regional controller & state that your Dad covers about 90 miles a week. The consumption of that Morris is about 33 M. PG.
I hope you can read this I am sunbathing on the Beach. I have finish my work for today
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so I have lopped it. It is not so hot today though. Yesterday I was here well after noon & am getting as brown as a berry. In fact my face is copper coloured now.
I am having a grand time now I work like hell in the morning & then I am free in the afternoons I wish you & the kids were here too though. I have had a swim although the atlantic [sic] is a bit too chilly for me yet. If it was not the fact that 99% of the people here were in uniform you would think it was the holiday period at its peak with the crowds on the Beach.
There are crowds of kids here umpteen schools have been evacuated from the London area
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[underlined] 3 [/underlined]
Also there are Mothers and women too so the place is generally [corrected] crowded [/corrected] out There is at the moment a crowd of convent kids [corrected] buzzing [/corrected] around! & I can hardly hear myself think.
This scribble is far worse than my than my usual I know but I cannot get in a really comfortable position for writing
By the way cant [sic] you get any more tobacco now? I was rather disappointed that there was none in with my pullover which is very nice & Thank you for the same XXX. Oh! I passed the maths exam of it all (only just) & what do you think I came out top in PSycological [sic] Test. Competing against Mas BSc & Dr Ph etc [sic] also top in the Antigas [sic] exam & if I had taken the Aircraft Recognition exams I would have had 100%. I liked [indecipherable] stuck I would have a choice well into
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[underlined] 4 [/underlined]
By the way. You have never mentioned my watch once?
Will you ask pop to have a look at that Pocket Watch in the Dressing table draw I think that it just needs fingers.
[corrected] Boy [/corrected] Jove you’d Larf [sic] I [corrected] have [/corrected] just had a bunch of Br [indecipherable] of any things park their blooming carcasses next to me here (From a finishing school). One has just informed the world at large that she must just simply finish orf [sic] a letter to her Grandpopah [sic]! Dear oh Dear! Isnt [sic] Laife [sic] in this awful place Vaile! [sic] Gor [sic] Blimey!!!
I had to pack up this noon I couldnt [sic] stick that crush
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[inserted] 5 [/inserted]
So when I was coming Back to the hotel I was collared by this Sargeant [sic] to check over some stores so could not finish this note off.
In a way it is a good thing because I may have some news in the morning as to whether I am likely to be moved soon or not so Ill [sic] tell you if I can do
I have heard the news of the raids in L pool my word they have had it bad & of course it is worrying with you being so near too I shall be glad when that shelter is done.
By the way have you used that Gal [Gallon] of Petrol in [corrected] shed [/corrected] (The Bottom tin behind the door)
That Battery in the car is not much good. Run it on FULL CHARGE all the while & ask Pop to listen out for a new Battery (second hand) Still if you can manage a little
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longer Ill [sic] see what I can do.
Maybe Eric Woodward can get one? ask him. By the way you had better get Eric some Cigs or [underlined] something [/underlined]
[underlined] Thursday [/underlined]
Well I have been to the Orderly Room & the nearest they can tell me is that it may be a month or it may only be a fortnight before I am moved but they could not give me any [corrected] date [/corrected] when. I would think anyway that I would be nearer home.
I have just got your letter & I have already replied to
Q [underlined] 1 [/underlined] Re extra petrol
Q [underlined] 2 [/underlined] Re Remittance. That is the first time I had heard that you know how much you had to pay. Pay £ [underlined] 2-15.0 [/underlined] stating that 10/- had been deducted for Agency Commission.
Qu [underlined] 3 [/underlined] I have replied to this sometime back & said it was a good idea.
Love to all



Ian Archer Wynn, “Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/11682.

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