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  • Tags: Resistance

Congratulatory message to Major Gordon Lett accompanying the delivery of six containers of supplies, intended as a token of gratitude for the help given to Allied prisoners of wars. Mentions positive feedback from servicemen who have crossed the…

Memorandum outlining the plans for the construction of an improvised air strip at Casoni according to a preliminary study carried out by Major John Henderson. Mentions delivery schedule, manpower needed, tools, supplies and logistics. Strict secrecy…


Comandante Luciano Scotti, in consultation with Major John Henderson, outlines the plan for the construction of an improvised landing strip at Casoni. Delivery schedule, manpower needed, tools, supplies and logistics are discussed. Recommends strict…


Major John Henderson has authorised the construction works to be suspended over Easter. On the following day only volunteers will be at work.


ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 242-1.jpg
Field Marshall Harold Alexander thanks Manlio Filippini for the help given to allied soldiers.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 012-1.jpg
H R Alexander, Field Marshall Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre, thanks Bruno Parenti for the help given to Allied Soldiers.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 009-1.jpg
Field Marshall H R Alexander thanks Narciso Poli for the help given to Allied Soldiers of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Cossack cavalrymen and foot soldiers attack the village of Esemon di Sopra. Three buildings are in flames, amongst them the village school. A woman is kneeling next to a door with a bundle in her arms and her head thrown back, while a soldier is…

Following an inspection, Comandante Luciano Scotti notes that works are falling behind the schedule and orders that the pace of delivery must increase. Provisions to be supplied by the Allied Mission.


Contains foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as news about training of Dutch paratroopers, the Dutch merchant Navy, the queen and government of the Netherlands in London, an eyewitness account of the Battle of the Java Sea, an item on…

Magazine containing foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as: news about war progress; the Dutch Royal family; European resistance movements; why the German Blitzkrieg on Russia failed; Dutch flyers; church resistance; Malta surviving air…

Netherlands language newspaper delivered by the RAF. 30 pages of articles and photographs concerning the Royal family, Netherlands forces and other war news.

An exchange of fire is taking place between soldiers and civilians in a mountainous area. A soldier and a civilian have been killed. A second civilian is running to hide behind a boulder.

Label reads “123”; signed by the author; caption reads…

Two civilians have been shot and are lying on the ground whilst a soldier is beating Don Giuseppe Treppo on the head with a baton. A soldier is shooting in the background. Other civilians are featured in different poses.

Label reads “161”;…

In an otherwise deserted town, men open fire on a figure in a brown suit and hat.

Label reads “167”; signed by the author; caption reads “(1o) 15 ottobre 1944 TORVISCOSA UD. Durante un rastrellamento nazi-fascista un patriota Villa, dal Pol…

In a barren churchyard, a man dressed in brown is being pushed out of the door and beaten by a Fascist soldier with a rifle-butt. Others are watching or pointing guns at him.

Label reads “168”; signed by the author; caption reads “(2o)…

A shoot-out is taking place in Tolmezzo. Alpini Lieutenant Renato Del Din has been shot in the head, causing him to drop his pistol and fall to the ground.

Label reads “104”; signed by the author; caption reads “CARNIA 25 APRILE 1944 –…

Letter from Comandante Luciano Scotti to Comandante Bucchioni regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. Stresses that complaints regarding scarcity of supplies are wholly unjustified and the Allied Mission pays 100 Lire a day to…


Comandante Luciano Scotti writes to Tenente Scaramuccia regarding the delivery of the Casoni improvised landing strip. The pace of delivery must be increased at any cost, with labourers working from 8am to 1pm on festival days.


Major Gordon Lett condemns the disturbance followed a recent air drop at Vezzanelli: Partisans tried to appropriate material intended for the Allied Mission, British personnel tried to restore order and shots were fired on both sides. He recommends a…


In a mountain landscape, a modest rural building stands on a ground partially encircled by a fence. Some trees are visible, a second building is in the background. Captioned 'Sede del Comando di Divisione Vruga - Bosco di Rossano il 4-11-1944’.

Photograph 1 is a half length portrait of a man wearing shirt and tie, seated in a chair, captioned ' Dr Syrach Larsen - Lisa's Father'.
Photograph 2 is a street scene with a curved road, lamp posts and trees, captioned 'The road outside Dr Larsen's…

Major Gordon Lett writes to Colonnello Mario Fontana regarding drop zones at Borseda Veppo, Vezzanelli, S. Pasquale, and Casoni. The latter must be reserved for material destined for the British special forces.


ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 212-1.jpg
Address of E C Bennett in London.

Head and shoulders portrait on an man wearing dark coat. Captioned 'To my friend Jack L Newton in remembrance of the passing of a bridge in Liege four years ago, signed Emile Witmeur, 15 Aug 1945'. On the reverse Witmeur, 195 1 de Camp[..] 57 Avenue…
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