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  • Tags: Asian heritage

A large group of people pulling a heavy roller while British servicemen wearing tropical uniform look on. Buildings in the background. Submitted with caption 'Women pulling rollers, Asansol Apr '42 [Chota Ray via Norman Didwell]'. Additional…

Lists of Ceylonese in three batches and miscellaneous arrivals who volunteered for and joined the RAF with some details of their service. Includes b/w photograph of Sergeant Rex De Silva in 1943.

From left to right Jemadar Nand Singh VC, Colonel Maharaja Harinder Singh of Faridkot, General Claude Auchinleck, Wing commander James Brindley Nicolson VC, Wing commander Leonard Cheshire VC. On the reverse 'Leonard Cheshire (right), possibly a…

Four airmen wearing tropical uniform shorts with flower garlands stand in a street with a group of locals behind them. On the reverse 'Officers Mess Digri, Christmas 1942, F/O Lambert, F/Lt Groves, W/Cdr Black, S/Ldr Ercolani DSO'.

A group of 46 airmen in uniform, 45 wearing side caps and one with an officer's cap. The men are arranged in four rows on the pavement outside Springfield House with the number 13 above the door. Thomas is sitting, front row, seventh right, with his…

A group of 11 ten men and one woman arranged on a veranda in three rows. At the back, six men are standing, three in uniform with one wearing a row of medals. The second row has three seated men and one seated woman. In the front a man sits crossed…

18 images from a photo album.
Photo 1 is a group of locals at the side of a road. Behind are mountains.
Photo 2 is a group of locals with horses. Behind are mountains.
Photo 3 is seven servicemen on horses.
Photo 4 is men and women on…

Charles Baron grew up in London and volunteered for aircrew in 1940, where he trained as a navigator and on radar. He later volunteered for overseas duties and was posted to India, where he flew intruder operations over Burma. After the war, he…

Originally in the Merchant Navy, Ken moved to the Royal Air Force. He became a flight mechanic but, after night school, decided to apply for aircrew. Ken went to the Air Crew Receiving Centre at St John’s Wood. He proceeded to No 4 Initial Training…

The group of men is arranged in six rows in front of a hangar. It is captioned '1941 Either 11 OTU or 12 Squadron Binbrook. Sgt AE Cosgrove RAFVR 968259 (3rd row from top, 6th from right)'.

Author (probably Roy J de Niese) gives some information on recruitment and training of Ceylonese volunteers for the RAF. Includes his recruitment and initial training in Ceylon, travel to Great Britain, enlistment, elementary flying training and…

A large group of mess staff wearing Indian staff uniform lines up in front of single story building. Submitted with caption 'Mess staff, Digri Christmas '42 [Norman Didwell]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Two cuttings referring to RAF Neepawa.
Item 1 shows a Tiger Moth, a ground crew woman and two airmen.
Item 2 is an article about local businesses supporting the RAF. It also describes Commonwealth and British pilots.

A group of 48 airmen in uniform, 46 wearing side caps and 2 with officer caps. They are arranged in four rows on grass with a terrace of residential buildings with chimneys beyond. Thomas is second right in the third row from the front. On reverse,…

A group of 46 airmen in uniform outside a terraced property. They are arranged in four rows and the property has the number 13 above the door. On reverse 'Blackpool Tom McMahon front row seventh from left'. [sic, Tom McMahon is seventh from right].

A group of airmen wearing tropical uniform with shorts sitting and standing in three rows in field with mountains in the background. On the reverse 'A few of the boys in the billet, a few of their, ok others doubyful, Widcombe, Jones, Harridge, F.…
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