Browse Items (111 total)

  • Tags: runway

Air-to-ground view of a standard lay out RAF airfield with buildings on the left and runways to the right,

Air-to-ground image of an airfield with hangars and other buildings in bottom half and airfield with part of runway in top third of image.

Side view of the front of a Lancaster (letters 'PO-U') with engines running at the threshold of a runway. In the background the runway caravan and many spectators. Behind them more aircraft.

The photograph on the top left of the left page shows an aerial view of Picton airfield Ontario.
The photograph on the top right of the left page shows an aerial view of Picton airfield with a runway in the background. A wing of an aircraft can be…

An oblique aerial photograph of RAF Coningsby. On the left identifiers '22' and '26' are visible on tarmac runways. At the top are five hangars and seven camouflaged aircraft parked outside.

Identification kindly provided by David Parker of the…

Four photographs from an album. #1 is an oblique aerial photograph of St Johns airfield, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. #2 is Cathedral of Saint-Jean-l'Évangéliste at Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. #3 is Ron in trainee uniform and greatcoat. #4 is a sign for…

Distant view from rear quarter of a Lancaster on runway with engines running. Two other Lancasters in the far distance. Captioned 'Landing'.

Rear quarter view of a Lancaster with engines running on a runway. Another aircraft is in the air. Captioned 'Take Off'.

An aerial photograph showing runways and apron at Moody Field, as annotated on the reverse.

Five photographs of RAF Skellingthorpe captioned 'RAF Skellingthorpe, Lincs in 1965. Showing main runway and dispersal where QR-M at one time was parked'.

Reconnaissance photograph of an airfield with three runways, perimeter track, dispersals and buildings. Submitted with caption 'Aerial view of wartime RAF Breighton'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No…

Site record plan, line drawing of runways, perimeter track, dispersals and buildings of RAF Breighton.

A Halifax with engines running on threshold of runway preparing to take off. On the edge of runway on the right a runway caravan and large group of personnel watching. Behind in the distance a Halifax taxiing.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

Top - view from the air of concrete hardstanding and buildings on an airfield in the distance. Bottom - closer view showing triangular runways, hardstanding and buildings. Captioned '7 B & G Paulson'.

Top - oblique aerial photograph of an airfield with many bomb craters. Two wide grass runways forming a “V” at bottom left, with taxi-track running left to right across centre of photograph. Hardstanding leads off at top right with two or more…

A reconnaissance photograph of an airfield with three runways and dispersals all round. Camp buildings bottom right. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of RAF Metheringham. Annotated "3253. CPE/UK 2009. 16 April 47. F/20" // 16/400 Multi (4)…

List of do's and don'ts for flying operations at Haverfordwest as well as a list of lamp signals and a map of the airfield with runways and dispersals marked.

Two oblique aerial photographs.
Photo 1 covers the airfield which has a three runway layout.
Photo 2 has the airfield in the distance but in the centre is many buildings. There are lines of unidentified objects covering substantial areas of the…

Head and shoulders view of a gentlemen in shirt sleeves in the foreground. In the background a Lancaster on runway.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

An aerial view of McDonald airfield surrounded by snow, captioned 'McDonald 6,000 ft'.

A sketch map of the lights on runway 06/24 at RAF Middleton St George.

A vertical aerial photograph of Dishforth. Hangars and dispersals can be clearly seen. The central grass area has been camouflaged but the grass runways can be identified. Several aircraft are visible.
It is captioned '11 TPC 28.5.43 //F5" 6"=1 mile…

Three aerial photographs of Tholthorpe. Dates were supplied with the collection.

Photo 1 is an oblique taken in the 1970s. Information supplied with the collection states 'The disused Tholthorpe airfield in the 1970s looking towards the west. The…

A vertical aerial photograph of Leeming. Camouflage markings can be seen on the airfield.

A vertical aerial photograph of Leeming showing the extension to two runways to the south and south east. Halifaxes can be seen on dispersals.
It is annotated '8 TPC 28.5.43// F5" 6" = 1 mile Leeming'.
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