Browse Items (349 total)

  • Tags: observer

An airman wearing flying suit, parachute harness and flying helmet inside the fuselage of an aircraft. On the reverse 'Sgt Goldingay ("Goldy")(Observer).'

Informal portrait of four sergeants in uniform standing outside. Annotated 'Sergeants!!!! Ginger, Reg, Joe & Charles'.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet, three sitting and four standing. Pilot is front centre.

Six airmen in two rows. John Preston is bottom right.

Six airmen, five wearing uniform with brevet and one in the centre wearing tunic, all standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Two versions o the same image.

Jack in uniform with Observers brevet standing outside a house.

Seven aircrew wearing tunic with brevet including pilot. Four seated and three standing behind.

Seven aircrew sit round a table debriefing and airman with back to camera. Two aircrew have pilot brevet and one is an observer. There are cigarettes and mugs on the table.

Seven aircrew wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a bomber.

12 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a brick hut. On the reverse 'Please return this [redacted] 1583475 139/Wing 98 BC. 69%'.

Seven sergeant aircrew all wearing tunics with brevet in two rows outside a wooden hut.

A group of five uniformed airmen, all wearing side caps, lined up in front of Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Khufu) at the Giza Necropolis, Egypt. Jack is standing far left.

A large group of airmen wearing a variety of uniform many with visible brevet, some waving, all in front of a Lancaster.

Eight airmen wearing a variety of uniform, four kneeling and four standing in front of a Lancaster with another aircraft in the background left.

Order of service for a memorial service conducted at sea. Head and shoulders photograph of Flight Sergeant Kenneth Rutherford, 935212, in uniform on the front cover together with 15 signatures ('Jacqui Whitehead' and 14 indecipherable). Border of…

Upper photograph: seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers . Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

Head and shoulders portrait of Septimus Robinson in officer's uniform, with his observer brevet and medal ribbons. Annotated "PO SEPTIMUS ROBINSON RAFVR 1432941/ 190538". There are two other prints of the same photograph.
Also a handwritten page…

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The four airmen have just received their stripes and brevets. Behind them is a sign for the Royal Canadian Air Force No 2 Observer School, Edmonton.
The for men are identified in Bob's memoirs as Bob Smith, Eric Sutton, Noel Hooper and Lou…

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The three airmen have just received their sergeant stripes and brevets. Behind them is a sign for the Royal Canadian Air Force No 2 Observer School, Edmonton.
The three men are identified in Bob's memoirs as Eric Sutton, Bob Smith and Keith Mills.

The six airmen are sitting on an old cannon amidst a snowy landscape. On the reverse 'Just qualified as Sergeant Observers. This is the only photo of me (at the back without a cap) with stripes & 1/2 wing as at the time I was unaware that I had been…

Peter Taylor in uniform with Observer brevet.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

The first of three chapters of Bill's wartime service.
There is a second copy with handwritten edits.

Head and shoulder studio portrait of Philip in uniform showing his sergeant's stripes and observer's brevet. Annotated 'Sgt P.J.Anstey, Observer. Killed 16.12.40 when his aircraft ditched in North Sea on returning from Ops to Berlin.'.

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with observer brevet, DFM ribbon and Pathfinder badge. Submitted with caption 'Flt Sgt Harry Wilson DFM'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…
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