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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

'Stamped this letter was delayed by German authorities and has been forwarded by allied forces'. Writes that he had cold and had received no mail. Hopes he will be home for start of fishing season. Comments on nice weather and asks after son David.…

Writes that he is due to leave current camp along with eleven officers to go to Stalag Luft 3. Asks for photographs of son David and he would have changed from the baby ones he has. Says he would be pleased to get cigarettes and asks what she thinks…

Hopes she and son are keeping well and that he is fit and cheerful. Mentions poor weather, someone he just met and that he had had no mail from her recently.

Catches up with news of activities, baby, cinema, reading, friends and acquaintances.

Writes of baby attending first party and teething process. Catches up on news, activities, friends/acquaintances, mail and other gossip. Hopes he received photographs.

Starts by commenting on poor weather and both she and baby having colds. Mentions plans for cinema and having tea with friend, mentions other acquaintances. Continues with news of baby photographs and other general gossip.

Catches up with news of acquaintances, post and her activities. Mentions Christmas cards, parcels and shopping problems. Continues with general gossip including news of baby son, weather and other activities.

Catches up with recent mail and family baby matters and other activities. Continues with news of acquaintances.

Prisoner of war post to Stalag Luft 3. Wishes him a happy 21st birthday. Hopes he would be home for the next one. Catches up with family news and mentions seeing film. Large section the blacked out.

Gives personal details and has head and shoulders photograph. Notes at Stalag Luft 3, Oflag IX A.

Comments on her joining the service, Continues with news of acquaintance and general banter about her. Hopes to be home for her 21st. Mentions strict censorship.

Asks how she is getting on and mentions that are void of food parcels. Says his letters are boring but they are controlled by emotions.

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

12 postcards written by Alan Green whilst a prisoner of war. He thanks his parents for their mail, news of Basil, requests cigarettes, photographs, socks and a toothbrush, receipt of parcels and a list of clothing.

Alan Green's prisoner of war record with his personal details.

Alan talks about issues with the family building firm.

Alan writes he has received letter from family and friends but also bad news about Ruth's mother.

Alan writes that more letters have been arriving. He asks about his Caterpillar Club badge. He is losing a lot of hair but is fit.

Alan has moved to a different camp. He has had news that his friend, Pip is missing. He has been reading a lot. He asks for an Oxford Concise Dictionary.

Alan writes that he is being transferred to another camp. He recalls previous Christmases and talks about family and friends.

Alan writes that mail is coming through from his parents. He asks after Basil and states he is keeping fit, physically and mentally.

Alan states that he is well and asks for chocolate. He asks after friends and family.

Alan is pleased that he has received mail from his parents. He has received a letter from a girl but is quite offensive about her literacy. He is looking forward to getting home at the end of the war.

Alan still has had no news from his parents. He asks for exercise books. He asks after family and friends and looks forward to seeing them soon.

Letter from Muriel to her friend Joan. She writes that she has been in hospital but if feeling much better now. She says that she has been very worried during the past few weeks having heard that fighting had broken out in Saarbrucken causing…
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