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  • Tags: pilot

Half length image of a pilot wearing unbuttoned tunic with trees in the background. Annotated 'Jack Brigham, 20 Pompallier Terrace, Auckland New Zealand.

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Half length image of a pilot wearing unbuttoned tunic with pilot's brevet standing in a garden with fence, trees and houses in the background. Annotated 'Leslie J Ayers, Winchmore R D, Ashburton N Z'.

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Writes informing her that Dermot Hegarty was killed recently. Correspondent was his mid-upper gunner and describes aircraft's engines cut after take off. While Hay bailed out, Dermot, the rear gunner and wireless operator did not get out. He, the…

An airman wearing battledress with pilot's brevet sitting on a swing in a garden. In the background a two story stone house and trees.

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Photo 1 is Ray on the promenade.
Photo 2 is Dorothy on a post on the beach.
Photo 3 is Ray, Dorothy, Fred and Rays mother and father on steps.
Photo 4 is Ray on a post on the beach.
Photo 5 is Ray and Dorothy on the promenade.
Photo 6 is Dorothy…

Six photographs from an album, annotated 'The Family, Dorothy and Fred my Skipper at Sheffield. Taken in the grounds 1945'.
Photo 1 is Ray's mother, father sitting with Fred, Dorothy and Ray behind.
Photo 2 is Ray's mother and father standing in…

Seven airmen at the rear of a Halifax. Each man and his position are annotated on the photograph and underneath. Each man has signed his name on the photo.
At the top is 'The Boys before our first trip Oisemont - France Halifax B-Baker 158…

Two airman wearing tunics with sergeants rank and on the right with pilot's brevet kneeling and squatting either side of a young boy and girl toddler. In the background a baby's playpen.

Head and shoulder portrait of a sergeant wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and a side cap.

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Two airmen wearing tunics with, on the left half brevet and the right a pilot's brevet and holding a mug. Behind a brick wall. On the reverse 'Photo (Bomb aimer) & myself, note tea in the mug'.

Head and shoulder portrait of an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap.

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Three men wearing tunics with pilot's brevet and peaked caps standing in line in a street. The centre man is holding a young girl in his arms. In the background trees and houses.

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Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and side cap.

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Head and shoulders portrait of an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons and a peaked cap.

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Six airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side or peaked caps standing in line. In the background the rear turret of a Halifax. Submitted with caption 'Stanley A Windmill (3rd from right) and crew'.

Covers all postings in service including training in England and the United States and operations on 158 Squadron flying Halifax after which he was a pilot instructor.

Pilot flying log book for S A Windmill, covering the period from 4 January 1942 to 30 September 1942. Detailing his flying training. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge, USAF Lakeland, USAF Gunter Field and USAF Craig Field. Aircraft flow in were Tiger…

Pilots flying log book for S A Windmill, covering the period from 27 May 1945 to 19 June 1945. Detailing his instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Little Rissington. Aircraft flown in was Oxford.

Gold pilot's brevet broach with pin

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Metal winged badge with pin

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Account of returning from operation to Brunswick on 14 January 1944. Aircraft was hit by tracer. Rear gunner did not check in after attack. Relates actions of crew with flight engineer and then wireless operator sent back to investigate, followed by…

A large group of men mostly wearing civilian dress but two in overalls and one in the centre wearing battledress and beret. Three men kneeling in front, with most standing in line and five behind on top of a Chipmunk aircraft. In the background…

Two men one wearing battledress with hands in pockets and the other wearing flying jacket and peaked cap and holding a cigarette standing in front of the starboard wing of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption '009 - T. Wierzbowski - pilot i J.…

Extract of record for Tadeusz Wierzbowski gives personal and service details. Includes decoration cross of valour.

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