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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes that he looks forward to her letters. Continues with friendly banter and talks a little of his activities.

Writes of recent entertainment and the weather. Continues with description of crafts and fun fair. Mentions friends visiting, that he has convalesced and he has taken up Spanish.

Comments on her joining the service, Continues with news of acquaintance and general banter about her. Hopes to be home for her 21st. Mentions strict censorship.

Thanking John for the drawing he sent and describing her poor living conditions with 160 girls sleeping on the floor. Iga says she is moving camp and that it is forbidden to write between Stalags and giving John an address to write to later.

To John thanking him for his letter and telling him she is moving to a new camp the next day.

Iga describes life under occupation and her lack of family and friends. She explains that there is danger in exchanging correspondence in the prisoner of war camp and warning John to be careful of the sentry.

To John thanking him for his letter and saying a letter will be ready the next day at 10 o'clock and asking why John was sad.

With apologies to John for not saying goodbye when she left the camp but she had to be taken to the car on a stretcher. Iga is sad that she cannot continue their correspondence but hopes that the war will soon be over. She is now working as a sister…

A letter to John passed between the men and women's prisoner of war camps. Iga thanks John for the letter he sent and goes on to talk about her life, enjoying dance and sports and attending pilots school. She mentions seeing John in the camps and…

Iga is sorry that she was unable to meet John due to sickness.

His VE day was very quiet and they have been dropping food in Holland and collecting POWs from France.

He has been collecting POWs from Juvaincourt. He has been flying low over south England and describes changes to spots they have visited. He is expecting to get nine days leave.

He thanks he for her letter and a cake. He explains the RAF's system of pay for married men. He discusses their wedding arrangements.

He thanks her for her letter and photograph. he hopes to get away on leave a little earlier. They have been doing POW trips and Cook's tours for ground staff.

She writes that she was relieved to hear of his message over the radio and stating that he is safe and well and recovered from his burns. She has been in touch with the authorities, friends and family and tells him not to worry as all is fine. She…

Writes that he has been flying 8 hours a day repatriation allied prisoners-of-war from Juvincourt near Reims in France. States that the civilian population is short of essentials and that anything can be had for a bar of soap, although as the…

Starts with apology for not writing but has been constantly flying to France to repatriate allied prisoners of war. Mentions typhoid injection to prevent crews catching it from ex-prisoners. Writes that he believes they will stay in UK but rumours of…

Writes that prisoner of war repatriation task is now over and that they now going to do a sort of Cook's Tour of Germany including the Ruhr. He goes on to discuss upcoming dates for birthday, anniversary and leave. States he may not be able to use…

Writes about return journey back to camp. Says they are going to France the next day to fly up to 24 prisoners of war back home. Mentioned that last time they did this they were stuck for two days in bad weather. Speculates that squadron will stay in…

Part of his message has been censored. He asks about folk back home and hopes he will be home soon.

He has received parcels of cigarettes from home. It has been very hot.

He is desperate for a cigarette parcel. He has been studying and hopes to be home soon.

Part of a letter but only the address side.

He asks for cigarettes. He is studying accounts.

Relates that representative of Swedish Y.M.C.A visited his camp recently bearing enquiries about his well being. The visitor a Mr Soderburg asked if he needed anything and he asked for a violin bow as well as tooth paste and socks as his wife's last…
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