Letter from Joan Wareing to her husband Robert Wareing in Stalag Luft 1



Letter from Joan Wareing to her husband Robert Wareing in Stalag Luft 1


She writes that she was relieved to hear of his message over the radio and stating that he is safe and well and recovered from his burns. She has been in touch with the authorities, friends and family and tells him not to worry as all is fine. She mentions friends and family and says that her financial position is fine and that the Air Ministry and Bank have helped her.
She also writes that she has had many friends and family looking after her and hopes it will not be long before they are together again.




Temporal Coverage



Two page typewritten letter


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TO:- 86325, S/L Robert Wareing,
British P.O.W.
[underlined] GERMANY [/underlined].
FROM:- Mrs. Joan Wareing,
56, West Common Gardens,
Old Brumby,
[underlined] Lincolnshire. ENGLAND. [/underlined]
25th October, 1944.
My Darling Bob,
I am so [underlined] relieved to hear of your message over the radio last [/underlined] night, stating that you were safe and well and completely recovered from your burns etc. [underlined] Many people have been to tell us this news within half and hour of the actual announcement. [/underlined] I straightway went down to tell your Mum and Dad, and were they excited!!! Gosh!. I am still trembling from the excitment. [sic]
I had already written to you via Geneva, so I expect you will receive those letters in due course. Please do not worry about anything here, I have contacted everyone – officially or otherwise. The correspondence I have had to cope with during these very trying weeks has been amazing. You know darling, everyone has been so very kind and helpful especially your Pop, my Mum and Dad, the Penney’s and Mr. Jackson. I have had every assistance from them possible. This is my third letter to you and I am anxiously awaiting one from you.
Please do not worry about anything here. Everything is in hand including your legal papers for the car. All your kit arrived home intact last week-end and there is [underlined] nothing [/underlined] missing. Your watch (Wrist), Pocket watch and signet ring arrived specially packed on Saturday. I do so much like your new suit – I have hung it in the wardrobe with the new suit I bought the last weekend I saw you [inserted] in [/inserted] Kettering. I shall save it for celebrations. That will be marvellous. I have checked all your kit etc. and it is all cleaned ready for use again. It will not be long now, don’t worry too much. I am feeling much better again, my nerves seemed to get the worst of it, but I am at work after having had 10 days off after receiving the first telegram and later a week of at Mr. Jacksons’ orders: I spent the latter at Crowle. That was good. They are all planning a celebrations may be the Berkley. I have been with your Pop to visit all at Blyton, Messingham and Scotter. All our Scunthorpe friends keep dropping in to cheer me up as they say!! Gerald and Madge took me to the flicks last week.
I have had a very long and interesting letter from Alan and is coming to see me in the near future as soon as the plaster is off his leg. All our mutual friends at M.H. keep writing to me and offer me every assistance.
All at the Anchorage send their love including Wynne Bell. Jean’s husband is busy again.
Mum and Dad have worried very much but are feeling better again now we have had this re-assuring news. I hope you have met
[page break]
some people you know. I know exactly where you are from the Prisoner of War Maps, so my thoughts are with you although distance actually divides. us.
Naturally Scunthorpe is just full of ‘Bob Wareing’ gossip as you can well imagine. Talk about being the wife of a hero, I think that is an adequate description of me. Still, when all this is over and we are together again, we are still the same Bob and Joan to ourselves and everyone else. I love you so very much and am eagerly awaiting the day when we shall be to-gether [sic] for always. It will be worth waiting for I am quite sure.
Chas has written to me, he is busy as usual. Sue keeps calling round. Anthony is growing up to be a grand lad. I wonder if Brian will be like him? When he arrives.
With regards to the financial situation – please do not worry, everything is alright and I am being kept informed of this by the Air Ministry and the Bank. They are looking after our affairs quite well. I have saved quite a lot with not going places now. Still it will all be useful for us when we are able to make our home together as we planned. Don’t you agree?
I should add, I was alone the day the telegram arrived as Mum and Dad had gone to Crowle. The Standerline’s took care of me until Mum and Dad got home. Wilf and Rev. Shimmin came immediately. Everyone remarks on your charmed life. It is prayer I am sure that has saved you and given strength to bear this burden. I was always confident that things would work out alright in the end, as you have always re-assured me by saying ‘Don’t worry darling, I’ll never leave you’ and I have kept that thought in mind.
I received an airgraph from Bob King’s wife, she has received no news about Bob as yet. I replied to her letter this last weekend.
Another visitor I had the first week was a local Air Commodore’s wife. She was a grand person. I often hear from her too.
Mr. Jackson has put everything at my liberty and has taken me around the shops with him so that I was never left alone to think. He even sent his son up the second day to see if I would like to take supper with he and his wife. Naturally I declined as I did not feel like visiting folk. Still the thought was there. I still keep drawing graphs!!!
Well I must say Cheerio for now and so all the best and trusting it will not be long before we are re-united as we both wish so very much. God Bless and Keep you.
Yours for ever darling,
I thought the enclosed picture might help to keep you company.



J Wareing, “Letter from Joan Wareing to her husband Robert Wareing in Stalag Luft 1,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/27904.

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