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  • Tags: military service conditions

Writes about trying to book somewhere in Scarborough for his next leave and outlines his plans for it. Mentions some places in France that his father used to talk about which were now in the news again. Catches up with family news.

Writes after recently arriving at new station. Comments on weather. Writes about his crew, pilot from New Zealand, engineer and wireless operator from London, bomb aimer from Derby and gunners from Hull and Preston. Comments that none of his old crew…

Writes that he had now recovered from illness and had recently done a seven mile route march. Catches up with news of friends and family and researching Navy matters. Continues with family gossip which reminded him of books he had read and comments…

Catches up with family news, birthdays and other news. Mentions he had now moved to Carlstrom Field, Arcadia, Florida. Describes living conditions and provides sketch map of camp. Comments on food, weather, and that they had not yet flown, Writes…

Writes that he had returned to Moncton after being eliminated from pilot training and that after being boarded at Trenton Ontario, he re-mustered as an observer. Goes back to describe his activities while at Moncton including local sightseeing,…

Writes about recent poor weather, that flying had suffered and no one had gone solo. Hopes better weather coming so he should either go solo or be eliminated from pilot training. Comments on life, facilities, training, discipline and activities.…

Hopes the photographs he sent arrived alright and describes where some were taken including those of squadron doing drill. Catches up with family news and gossip. Mentions good food, no air raids in the United States unlike at home. Writes a little…

Writes that he is fine and well but putting on weight. Promises account of Niagara Falls when he has had some photographs available. [Missing page 2]. Writes about journey to Niagara and activities once at the Falls with descriptions. Relates stay at…

Thanks her for recent letter. Writes that he was now doing daylight operations during which he felt safe as they were well protected. Catches up with family news and gossip. Hopes he might manage to get home. Mentions he was out celebrating but did…

Letter from Flight Sergeant Malcolm Payne. He writes of his frustration at cancelled operations.

Writes this will be short letter as they are flying and he is not now grounded. Mentions flying cancelled last night and continues with general banter. Mentions going to church and that she can ring him in the mess at specific times. Glad that…

Writes that he has been unable to write or phone as has been due to fly but it had been scrubbed. Says that he went on operation to Poitiers where they lost two engines and his turret was damaged. Writes they are off on tenth operation that night.

Writes with frustration over on/off operations and that on a very long operation the night before last was a murder trip when they lost 22 pals. Writes that he is not getting tired of her and he will see her a soon as he can.

Thanks her for her letters. Today's operations were eventually scrubbed. States they are reserve crew tonight. Catches up on family news.

Writes of frustrating day with flying on and off. Mentions going to the pictures and writing letters concerning upcoming trip to the Lakes.

Writes that he got back from Lincoln OK but was disappointed not to see her. Mentions they are standby crew but operations were scrubbed.

Letter with explanatory note. Writes of recent posting to Scarborough and complains about training activities undertaken. Catches up with family news. States that food is good but not enough of it and comments on weather and his accommodation. Asks…

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of friends. Writes of visit by his parents to Scarborough and describes activities including dinner at the Victoria hotel. Mentions receiving inoculation and being confined to barracks. Writes of…

Letter and explanatory note. Comments on Alex's new course and news. Mentions exams he had taken and provided results. Mentions his sister visiting with friend previous Sunday and possible future visits. Mentions recent invasion exercises and…

Letter and explanatory note. Congratulates him on exams and promotion. Comments on his posting to Brough East Yorkshire and was enjoying flying. Mentions journey and short visit home. Describes discipline, daily routine as well as his flying so far.

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of life at his new posting at RAF Bridgnorth. Describes typical days activities and mentions that they did not get late passes except Saturdays and no rail travel allowed so 48 hours leaves. Writes that town has 58…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of arriving at home and missing seeing his brother due to travel difficulties. Describes quiet evening with Mary and Sunday dinner. Comments of difficult journey back to base and finding out exam results on his…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes from hospital after reporting sick the previous day and describes experiences. Enjoying the facility of having radio which was not available in the NAAFI on base. Mentions he had been at RAF Millom for a week but…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of plan to go to cinema later that evening and then go night flying. Mentions exploring the local glorious countryside including visit to Coniston. Describes a football match he took part in and low level flying in…

Letter and explanatory note. Written from RAF Bruntingthorpe letting Alex know that he would be home on leave next week. Mentions previous visit home and plans to take time off with Mary in Scarborough. Comments on lack of mail and news from home and…
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