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Top left - shy but tough V.C. air ace picked for hardest jobs. Gives account of his 110th bombing operation leading a formation of Lancasters on daylight operation to Cologne from which he failed to return and actions resulted in award of VC. Top…

Top - Royal Air Force 23rd V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross to Act Sqn Ldr Robert Antony Maurice Palmer 109 Squadron (missing). Quotes from citation for award with account of operation to Cologne and some service background. Bottom left - pals…

Accounts from Evening Standard, Daily Mirror and Daily Express. Concerning award of Victoria Cross for Robert Palmer. Gives tribute from his squadron commander and headmaster. Mirror noted he was always selected for tough jobs. A gives comments by…

States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer previously winner of DFC and became Kent's sixth V.C of that war. Gives some personal and operational background and gives account of operation to Cologne which resulted in award of…

Gives account of action of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer, 109 Squadron leading to award of Victoria Cross. Aircraft seen spiralling down in flames after attack on Cologne.

Sub headlines - great act of heroism and some remarkable tributes. States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer had been awarded the Victoria Cross after a hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Quotes telegram from Sir Arthur…

Left - a master bomber's self-sacrifice. Account of actions of Captain Edwin Swales DFC of the South African Air Force posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for attack on Pforzheim. He was attached by fighters over the target and aircraft severely…

Gives some family and local background as well as account of actions during operation to Cologne during which his aircraft was shot down and resulted in award of Victoria Cross. Includes b/w portrait photograph.

Top left - D.F.C for Gravesend County old boy - to Flight Lieutenant Robert Palmer, also previously mentioned in despatches.
Top right - Bar to D.F.C award for Gravesend officer. To Flight Lieutenant Robert Palmer. Gives some background and states…

Top - V.C for pilot RAF always chose for their difficult bombing jobs. Gives some operational and personal history. Includes b/w photograph.
Bottom left - full face b/w portrait photograph and announcement of award of V.C, reported missing.

Gives operational history and descriptions of actions on operation to Cologne in December 1944 where he showed conspicuous bravery. He had a record of prolonged and heroic endeavour which was beyond praise.

Mentions that his son had previously been reported missing and while no news of him had come to hand a report regarding two of his crew had been received from the red cross. Flight Sergeant R K Yeulett was captured and Flight Lieutenant G Russell…

Announcement of award of Victoria cross to Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer DFC (115772) RAFVR (missing). Gives some of his operational history and describes actions leading to award.

Full face portrait of Robert Palmer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap.

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Head and shoulders portrait of Robert Palmer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap.

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Head and shoulders portrait of Robert Palmer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet, medal ribbons (including Distinguished Flying Cross) and peaked cap. Captioned 'Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer VC, DFC and Bar RAFVR'.

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

The Air Council had learned that his son Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer VC DFC RAF was now known to have lost his life as a result of air operations on 24 December 1944. According to information from one surviving crew, the other…

White headstone in cemetery for Squadron Leader R.A.M. Palmer VC, DFC & Bar, pilot, Royal air Force, 23 December 1944.

An Air Marshall, mayor and a rector standing looking at a photograph of Robert Palmer mounted on a wall. Explanatory note on opposite page.

Nineteen men, six wearing civilian suits and the rest RAF officers uniform sitting and standing in two rows in front of a building decorated with union flags. Captioned 'Bob Palmer (Sr) front row, seated third from right'.

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Twenty-seven Air Training Corps cadets in uniform and one RAF officer (wearing tunic with pilot's brevet) sitting and standing in front of a building decorated with union flags. Captioned 'Bob Palmer (Sr) front row centre'.

A large group of Army and RAF officers, some with pilot's or observers brevet sitting and standing in five rows.

A warrant officer stands on the left and an senior RAF officer with cane sits fourth from left in front row.

The officer seated…

Twenty four men, twenty two wearing Royal Flying Corp uniform and two wearing naval uniform. Some have pilot's brevet and wear flying helmets. Captioned 'Bob Palmer (Sr) back row, fourth from right'. This image of Palmer was enlarged and mounted as…

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Full length photograph of three airmen (two officers and one sergeant all wearing tunics (two with pilot's brevet standing on a path outside a house.
Captioned 1 - '(left) Arthur Robert Farley Palmer, Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps during world war…
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