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  • Tags: aerial photograph

A low level aerial oblique photograph with very little detail. On the reverse 'German Airfield, Holland'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Giessen taken during an operation. Streets, houses, fields and river meanders can be seen. The aiming point is annotated in red 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7191. Wad. 6/7.12.44//NT 7" 10000 082 21016 Giessen. B.…

Oblique aerial photograph of an Gilze Rijen airfield. Runways going from bottom middle to top and left to middle. A large number of bomb explosion visible in the centre of the airfield with one string of bombs offset to the left running bottom to…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. Runway running top to bottom of photograph, taxyways visible as are craters and bomb explosions. Centre of photograph obscured by smoke and dust. Red dot centre left. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2084 SKELL. 15.8.44. …

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. End of a runway lower centre together with taxyways, centre of photograph obscured by bomb explosions, dust and smoke. Craters visible. Red dot lower centre. Captioned '3°F', '6B', '2138 SKELL. 15.8.44. //. 8"…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. End of runway visible just below red dot, taxyways visible. Much of right side of photograph obscured by bomb explosions, smoke and dust. visible area rural. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2141 SKELL. 15.8.44. //. 8"…

Target photograph of Gilze-Rijen. Partially obscured by smoke and dust, bomb explosions visible. The end of the runway, a taxi way, two Lancasters flying below and roads also visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2132 SKELL.15.8.44.//.8" 17000 [arrow]…

Target photograph of Givors. Rural area with field patterns, a dense wood and sparse settlements. Captioned ‘8°F’, '6B 1963. SKELL.11/12.8.44//NT.8” 8000’ [arrow] 048° 0104. GIVORS RD.F. 8x1000. 3x500. 23secs. F/L PARKER F. 61. On…

Oblique aerial photograph of glider landing zone LZ-S at Arnhem looking south. Numerous Horsas are scattered over six large fields and some are in a wood. Two in the left foreground have collided. The railway embankment runs left to right just beyond…

Oblique aerial photograph of glider landing zone LZ-S at Arnhem with Horsas scattered across four fields with a well defined track crossing from bottom left to top right (A12) and the railway embankment upper left running to top right.

The photo…

Reconnaissance photograph of gliders which have landed in a field, showing skid marks. The majority of the gliders are Horsa's, with three of the larger Hamilcar gliders visible in the field to the right. This is drop zone Z for Operation Market…

Aerial photographs of the bombing of the Gnome Rhone aero engine works. Photograph 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of a bombing attack on the Gnome Rhone works. Much of the image is obscured by smoke and explosions. On the reverse 'Raid on Gnome…

Target photograph showing a river running bottom left to top right. Below the river on the right site is an industrial area on fire with smoke going to top edge of image. On the reverse 'C4088'.

Enlargement of target photograph showing industrial unit with river to the right and railway to the left both running bottom to top. There are fires and smoke issuing from parts of buildings.

Enlarged target photograph showing an industrial area between a railway and river both running top to bottom. There are large plumes of smoke issuing from the buildings in the centre going to bottom right.

An oblique aerial photograph of Goderich and Maitland River with Menesetung Bridge.

Identification kindly provided by Andrew Gordon of the Finding the location WW1 & WW2 Facebook group, and by Fynn Titford-Mock, with additional backing by Richard…

The first photograph is a low oblique aerial view of a quarry and industrial buildings. In the foreground is a railway siding with freight trucks. In the background are houses. Captioned 'The Salt of the Earth'. The second photograph has a steam…

The edge of Goderich, Ontario with a sports ground. On the left is the coast line. The town is very regular, being in the form of a grid. At the top is an industrial area.

Vertical aerial photograph of Goderich, Ontario. The central feature is a building and wood with a circular road, from this other roads radiate like spokes. Other roads form a grid like pattern. There are many trees. At the bottom is a port area and…

A low oblique aerial photograph of Goderich grain silos. In the foreground are railway sidings with freight wagons. The sidings extend behind the grain silos. There is a harbour area with a small island between the first sidings and the silos. In…

Reconnaissance photograph of Görlitz. In the centre is the Neisse Viaduct railway crossing the Neisse River. The main railway station is to the right, with St Jakobus Cathedral just above and to its left. Tree-lined boulevards are also well…

Air to ground of the Goldene Meile camp camp with roads in grid pattern and holes.

Identification kindly provided by Gianluca Mazzanti of the Air War Italy 1943-45 Facebook group.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Top - newspaper cutting including photograph of a Lancaster with Royal Air Force personnel lined up in front. In the foreground a welcoming colour party and line of United States servicemen. Captioned 'Color guard (foreground) line up opposite crews…

Top left - air to ground view of Scott Field.
Top right - eight Lancasters in light paint scheme parked in pairs on an airfield with runway behind and buildings on far side.
Middle left - a line of Lancasters in light paint scheme parked on…

Top left - eight Lancasters parked in pairs on airfield with runway behind them. In the foreground a hangar. To the left three B-17s. Top right - newspaper cutting 'Chosen for U.S. Goodwill tour'. Two local men chosen to take part names as W.O Arthur…
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