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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing jacket and tie. On the reverse 'No 64, To Sergeant J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War 450, Stalag Luft III, Germany, From Mrs Valentine, Lido, Tenterden Grove, Hendon N W 4'. Stamped “Geprüft…

Alan still has had no news from his parents. He asks for exercise books. He asks after family and friends and looks forward to seeing them soon.

Alan is pleased that he has received mail from his parents. He has received a letter from a girl but is quite offensive about her literacy. He is looking forward to getting home at the end of the war.

Alan writes that mail is coming through from his parents. He asks after Basil and states he is keeping fit, physically and mentally.

Alan writes that he is being transferred to another camp. He recalls previous Christmases and talks about family and friends.

Alan has moved to a different camp. He has had news that his friend, Pip is missing. He has been reading a lot. He asks for an Oxford Concise Dictionary.

Alan writes that more letters have been arriving. He asks about his Caterpillar Club badge. He is losing a lot of hair but is fit.

Alan writes he has received letter from family and friends but also bad news about Ruth's mother.

Alan talks about issues with the family building firm.

A letter written from a prisoner of war camp to his family. He has just arrived and states that he is well. His tone is quite up beat.

Alan writes from Stalag Luft 3. He lists food to be sent in Red Cross parcels.

He presents a list of items he would like sent. He spends a lot of time reading, finding it difficult to write. He asks after his other family members.

Alan still has not heard from his parents. He asks after Basil. He lists some items to be sent to him.

Alan still has not heard from his parents. he is worried about his car and his belongings. He asks about family and friends at home.

Congratulates him on second addition to family and catches up with other family news. Speculates about future tobacco prices and mention getting some beef cattle after the war using money he has saved up. Concludes with mention of playing cricket.

Mentions writing previously to congratulate him on birth of daughter. Catches up with gossip from home and suggests he prepare for party when he gets home. Discusses farming and book he had read and speculates on his future employment. Writes he was…

Writes that he is in a new camp and life is tolerable there. Hopes to see an acquaintance there soon as he believes all air force prisoners will come there sooner or later. Says no letter from them yet but expecting soon. In a room with three South…

Reports arrival of eleven letters and thanks her. Latest was dated 8 March and came via Cairo. Not sure which direction was fastest. Discusses his mail to her and reassures her he is well. Ask her to contact anyone in Portuguese East Africa or any…

Writes that he had now received fifteen letters and that via Cairo was quickest. Although she still seem anxious hopes his recent letters have reassured her. Catches up on home news and talks about weather. Mentions he received a clothing parcel from…

Reports that he had now received most of her letters to 19 April as well as other mail which was taking between two to four and a half months to arrive. Writes about a recent variety show and a cricket match in which he played. Mentions also playing…

Reports arrival of latest letters and notes that via London they take four to five months. Mentions letters from others and catches up with news. Says do not worry about war and he is looking forward to seeing them again. Mentions playing cricket and…

Lets her know he fit and he had received no further mail. Mail from England was regular with some taking as little as ten days. Says there is not much in his letters as not much to write about. Mentions concert and that famous fighter pilots Tuck and…

Reports arrival of a number of her letters and mentions that Egyptian food parcels were coming through regularly. Writes that he had had two clothing parcels and discussing post routing. Mentions two book parcels. Explains recent incorrect…

Writes that no letters had arrived and wondered what she thought about him taking up farming after the war. Writes of potential future plans. Is keeping well and parcels arriving regularly. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is in a new camp and a change was welcome and train journey a good break. Mentions meeting old friend and catches up with news. Describes new camp and fellow inmates. Catches up with news of other friends. Says still write to him via…
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