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  • Tags: Lancaster

Six airmen standing at the rear of a Lancaster coded 'AA'.

Six airmen, one wearing tunic, on a leather waistcoat and the other overalls, all standing by the rear door of a Lancaster.

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows under an aircraft. On the reverse is handwritten -
'L to R
Back Row
Harry Bamforth "Smudge" Smith (Ron) Fred Outwin
Taffy, Nobby Red
A. Able Ground Crew
49 Fiskerton'.

One photograph from an album.
Six airmen in flying kit are arranged in two rows in front of a Lancaster.

Six airmen wearing side caps are standing in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse they are identified as 'Jock Rear Gunner, Tom Navigator, Me Skipper, Al Engineer, Paddy Mid-upper Gunner Jock Wireless Operator'.

Six airmen standing under the nose of a Lancaster


Six airmen sitting on a 4000lb HC bomb mounted on a trolley with a sergeant sitting in front. In the background a Lancaster.

Six airmen and one airwoman standing around or sitting in a car with a Lancaster in the background. The car registration is BMP726 and it has 'The Menace' painted above the windscreen.

Six airmen standing in line in front of a Lancaster.

#1 is six airmen standing at the back of '?O-V'
#2 is the rear gunner in a Lancaster.

Six airmen, including Dennis, standing in a row in front of their Lancaster.

Dennis and five of his crew arm in arm in front of their Lancaster.

The six airmen are sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - Mid upper
Self - Navigator
Fred Shepherd -Bomb-aimer (Note new brevet)
'Mac' MacFarlane - Skipper'
Nobby Clarke - Rear…

The six men are sitting on the front of their Lancaster. The pilot is in his seat leaning out of the cockpit window.

Three quarters portrait of six airmen standing in front of a Lancaster. Four are wearing side caps, two caps. All have their hands behind their backs except one man who has his right hand in his pocket. Ernie Twells is third from right.

Six airmen wearing uniform below the nose of a Lancaster. Harry Fearns is in the back row, second from the left.

A three-quarter length portrait of a line of six airmen including Noel Appleton. They are standing at the rear of a Lancaster, 'AS-Q'.

Five airmen sitting on the top of a Lancaster with a sixth sitting in the cockpit. 134 operations are marked on the nose and '134 Not Out'. Lancaster LS-J.
A second copy is annotated 'Rear Gunner Skipper F/Eng Midgunner B/Aimer W/Op Nav on leave'.

Six airmen sitting on Lancaster 'R'. The aircraft has 20 bomb symbols painted on it.

Two photographs of six airmen sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'(Mildenhall) ME844
Taken @ 15 Squadron shortly after moving from 218 Squadron (Methwold)
Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - mid upper
Self (Dennis…

Six airmen seated between the cockpit and the mid-upper turret. On the reverse 'The Boys XV Gunnery
2Doc" Watson
Ernie Murwald
Tich Collier (WOP) How did he get in there?
Jimmy Palmer
Johnny Weston'.

Six airmen sitting on the front of a Lancaster. The pilot is in his seat with the window open, two men are sat on the perspex and three are sat in front.

Six Lancasters in echelon. Visible are 'TL-F' and 'TL-H'. It is captioned 'Formation oer' Convection' and 'Photo by:- Charles E. Brown of London Times'.

Air-to-air view of six 35 Squadron Lancasters in light paint scheme in formation flying right.

Top left - riddled plane won dual. Story of recovery of damaged bomber pilot Flt Sgt F E Mathers RAF awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Wireless operator and rear gunner (Sgt G E French) awarded Distinguished Flying Medal.
Middle left - Regiment…
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