Browse Items (552 total)

  • Collection: Hudson, Douglas

Reports still no letters or replies to her latest cables. Writes of weather and some of their activities. Mentions visit to Cable and Wireless to discus pre-paid replies but does not think they need a monthly account. Encloses strip cartoon from…

Writes about correspondence with cable company options for payments and pre-pay for reply from him. Writes of local countryside and weather. Mentions books she is reading and that she has not had replies to last two cables. Delay might have been…

Writes that she has not been well and comments on the weather. Writes that father was out on fire duty and and being wakened by man outside the house. Catches up with news of friends and mentions father might go to Skipton to get more information.…

Awaiting news, no reponce to cable, latest letter dated 11 March, did parcel arrive.

Writes about inclement weather continuing and about the garden. Mentions that works closes for annual holidays the following week but that they would not be going away except to Manchester for a night. Writes that she had not received a reply to her…

Writes about the weather. Says it was three weeks since his last batch of letters and looking forward to more. Mentions that putting stamps on does not seem to matter and suggests he keep his allowance for food. Relieved to hear that Red Cross…

Mentions weather and then three lines are blacked out. Then comments on what was written in censored lines. Writes of them both getting colds. Glad he is able to get good books and comments on what she is reading. Says she will try and send him books…

Reports on latest consignment of letters which arrived in May. Catches up with news of friends. Mentions his culinary efforts and that neighbour had brought round rhubarb for her. Continues with more on rationing. Writes of wonderful sunrise, the…

Acknowlege receipt of 15 letters and five photographs and comments on intense journalistic effort in one.

Writes of the weather and looking over town to see works where father was and of his daily routine and life in general. Talks about the war in general. Says they will not go away for summer holiday but might go to see their old house and visit…

Had read about weather conditions in Libya and wondered if similar at Laghouat. Pleased to hear about his journalistic efforts and asks if he could send her a copy of camp newspaper. Catches up with family news and activities. Comments on working in…

Reports arrival of responses from him to two of their cables and asks about content of one which puzzled her a bit. There follows considerable discussion on sending him shoes he ask for including mention of clothing coupons. Concludes with mention of…

Again mentions arrival of 15 letters from him and notes dates sent. Mentions some missing item probably not allowed. Sorry he did not get calendars she sent. Mentions photographs he sent and asks questions on content and comments on his hairstyle.…

Mentions previous day was his birthday and wondered if he had celebration. Reports arrival of fifteen letters from him in one week. Writes of photograph enclosed of group with the padre and comments people in it. Mentions his cooking and was…

Reports seven letters arrived, special thoughts for Thursday, have parcels arrived, happy birthday.

Reports arrival of a single letter from him dated 1st March and presumes many missing. Good to know that he is getting regular supplies of tea and states that she sent him a parcel three weeks ago containing soap.socks and towels. Mentions she…

Reports no responce to last cable, parcel sent, await letters.

Still awaiting letters and response to her latest cable. Mentions message from Red Cross that conditions in camp at Laghouat were satisfactory. Another message stated that mail to prisoners might be quicker if sent on special prisoner or war airmail…

Mentions writing on a beautiful evening. Reminds him that she had told him of upcoming rationing of many items in England. Still waiting for response from their latest cable. Catches up with family news and mentions some of their activities. Mentions…

Writes of reading a letter from him dated a year ago from Médéa mentioning rain and wondering whether it was raining at Laghouat on same day this year. Still awaiting reply to latest cable. Continues with news of talking to locals about him, of…

Writes about weather and lack of rain. Mentions reports of sandstorms in Libya and wonders if they affect him. Writes of Laghouat water supply and hopes that they do not suffer from drought. Writes of receiving first publication of Red Cross monthly…

Reports sending him a parcel via the Red Cross containing hand towels, socks, Lifebuoy soap and a sponge bag. Reminds him that they are not allowed to send food, sweets or chocolate. Expects parcel to arrive around Christmas. Informed by Red Cross…

Delighted message received, letter, parcel soap, socks towel via Red Cross delayed delivery, granddad away, all well.

Reports that relatives had now left so more time to write. Granddad seems to have enjoyed his visit and gave her £2 in tanks for looking after him. Mentions that expenditure is restricted by coupons for clothing. Delighted to get his latest cable…
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