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  • Collection: Darby. Charles Arthur Hill

He writes there is a rumour of a posting. The weather is good but camp is boring. There have been church parades but they have managed to do a rota so that they have more time off. There are a lot of French Canadians with huge families of 12 to 17…

He writes mainly about the weather.

His move to the course location is imminent. His leave trip to New York has had to be cancelled but he has been travelling locally. He was hitch hiking through forests and ended up in a pavilion for the night.

An envelope addressed to Jean in Surbiton.

He describes his journey back to Filey. His camp is very bleak, they are staying in concrete chalets. He gets a lot of marches, drill and marching. Food is not great but they have been on a pub crawl.

He asks about her knitting and fire watching. The weather is less cold and he has been out drinking beer. He has visited Scarborough to watch films.

He has received all her mail that went to Canada. His training has been getting him fit.

He has transferred to Harrogate. His accommodation is better as is the food.

He has been transferred to Northern Ireland. His accommodation is good.

He has been kept busy training. The weather has been changeable and he has been doing a lot of walking. Food is good.

He thanks her for her letters. He discusses Jean playing tennis and the weather.

His course has become easier due to the weather. It has been cold. His food is still good. He is not impressed with Irish girls and thinks they are very impoverished.

He has transferred from Ireland to Oxfordshire. He states that he will be busy flying. Accommodation and food are good. He has been playing tennis.

He describes his return trip to his camp and films he has watched.

He has been doing dinghy drill at the Baths in Oxford. Then they went shopping, failed to get a beer because the pubs were sold out and went to see a film.

He describes his journey back to camp.

He talks about V-1 'doodle bugs' and Jean's fire watching. He has been doing a lot of flying. They have been raising money for the Army and had a really good concert and a dance.

He is expecting leave at the end of his course. He notes that progress has been made at destroying V-1s. He has been at the cinema. He expects to fly solo that night. His bike is muddy and he is planning to clean it.

He describes his return journey to camp. He has been flying with some cross-country, night bombing and fighter integration.

He has been doing a lot of flying, some with engine and radio problems. He talks about tennis with Jean and his next leave.

He comments on her holiday then discusses his flying. His wireless operator has been grounded because he cannot breathe at height. Norman has asked him to be his best man.

He thanks he for his birthday card. He describes his return trip to camp. The next day he had exams which he thinks he passed. They have had no luck getting a new wireless operator. They had a home guard training attack on the base. They had a couple…

He writes about his journey back to base. His crew has a new wireless operator. He explains the complications about his next leave.

He discusses what flying he has to do to complete his course. He is pleased with his new wireless operator who is also a pianist.

He has transferred to Scampton. He describes his journey back to base. He doesn't much like Lincoln - too many RAF and not enough beer, food or cinemas. Food and accommodation at the base are very good. He asks about V-1s.
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