Browse Items (88 total)

  • Collection: Adder, Mervyn

Half length image of three airmen wearing tunics and side caps. Captioned 'This photograph was taken on 23 November 1942. Mervyn recorded it in his diary. "Wrote home sent parcel - took special bus into Wolves with Jonny and Ron - had photos taken.…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of arriving at home and missing seeing his brother due to travel difficulties. Describes quiet evening with Mary and Sunday dinner. Comments of difficult journey back to base and finding out exam results on his…

Letter and explanatory note. Thanks him for parcel and was pleased with contents. Thanks his father for lending him his knife. Describes some activities and conditions but says he is behind in his correspondence. Catches up with news of friends and…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes from hospital after reporting sick the previous day and describes experiences. Enjoying the facility of having radio which was not available in the NAAFI on base. Mentions he had been at RAF Millom for a week but…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of plan to go to cinema later that evening and then go night flying. Mentions exploring the local glorious countryside including visit to Coniston. Describes a football match he took part in and low level flying in…

Letter and explanatory note. Written from RAF Bruntingthorpe letting Alex know that he would be home on leave next week. Mentions previous visit home and plans to take time off with Mary in Scarborough. Comments on lack of mail and news from home and…

Letter and explanatory note. Remarks that it had been eight week since he had leave and he could use some now. Mentions that he expected to go to a squadron later that week. States that previous night was first night free for a week due to weather…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes that he is now been on a squadron for a couple of weeks. Relates that being put down to fly with another crew his pilot who was flying with a different crew did not get back and was lost. Goes on to describe being…

Letter and explanatory note. Says that he had little time to write as he had had briefings every night that week but had only managed one trip. He was expecting that night's operation to be scrubbed. He states his total now stands at eleven, nine to…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes while playing housey-housey (bingo) in the mess. Describes some events over Christmas including cycling 40 miles to meet Mary, going for walk and going to see a film. Describes life at his station, mentioning…

Letter and explanatory note. Draft incomplete letter of condolence about Arthur Moodie reported missing from operations. The rest of the crew did not fly with Arthur on the night he went missing.

Letter and explanatory note. Mentions recent sergeants' dance to which officers could be invited. Gives a detailed description of an escape exercise that his crew and three other took part in. Mentions that they have a new wing commander who was…

Concerns a letter to family but not included in collection. Mentions nice time with fiancé Mary.

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of father's activities. Mentions he had done quite a few operations recently including Augsburg, Schweinfurt and Stuttgart. Writes that they had to divert to a fighter base on the south coast and had…

Letter and explanatory note. Reports arrival of family mail. mentions operations to Augsburg and Schweinfurt getting good photographs of the latter. Mentions an electrics failure on return from Augsburg and had to divert to airfield on the south…

Five airmen wearing battledress or tunics with brevet and side caps standing arm in arm in a line in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Gerard "Jerry" Bomb Aimer, Ron "Jonnie" W.O.P., Arthur pilot, Self, Dennis flight engineer', March 1943 Winthorpe'.

Seven aircrew in and around the door of a Lancaster. All are wearing flying clothing.


Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap.

Top - head and shoulders portrait of a woman wearing dress and necklace. Captioned 'Mervyn's finaceé [sic], Mary Bootyman, later Pearce. She married but often wore Mervyn's ring.
Bottom - newspaper cutting announcing engagement between Mary and…

Note about a poem written by Mervyn's fiancé Mary and a note written by Mervyn's sister Edith. Neither document in collection.

Head and shoulders portrait of a sergeant airman wearing tunic with navigator brevet.

Mentions tracing the crew who were all buried together. Did not find pilot, so assumed survived the war. Pilot survived because he happened to be wearing a parachute.

Top - photograph of grave with white cross with name 'P.O M Adder RAF, 15.3.44'. Surrounded by similar crosses with trees in the background.
Bottom - telegram to Mervyn Adder's father informing him that his son was missing as a result of air…

Five airmen wearing battledress or tunic with brevet and side caps, standing in line underneath a bomber.


Writes informing him that his son was missing as a result of air operations on 15/16 March 1944. Mentions that it takes time to get news of prisoners. Mentions that Mervyn Adder had completed fourteen operational flights and was held in high esteem…
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