Head and shoulders portrait of an officer wearing tunic with medal ribbons and navigator brevet. Submitted with caption 'Reg Unknown Date - with Service Ribbons'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…
Two officers wearing greatcoats and peaked caps standing in front of a stone wall with house in the distance, Submitted with caption 'Reg England Unknown Date'.
Two 35 Squadron crest badges with winged horse and moto 'uno animo agimus' and an observer brevet. Submiited with caption 'Crests - 35 Sdn. Bomber Command - postwar posting'.
Two articles. First gives brief description of two operations against Stuttgart 41/2 hours apart. Second describes attacks against German gun positions near Flushing as well as German HQ on low countries front.
Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.
Article describing attacks on German war supplies, rail centres and synthetic oil plants some of which were within 100 miles of allied front line. More that 1000, United States heavy bombers involved. RAF Bomber Command Lancasters involved in…
Writes that he had been so busy he had little time to write letters and catch up with all his mail. Asks after Bill's work and comments on petrol rationing in Canada. Mentions although it was expensive to travel by train but he was seeing plenty of…
Explains about 'O' and 'N' brevets, both were for navigator but the second was a new badge and had not arrived in Canada yet. He writes that he could be home in a month as some of them were getting posted back to England, and he could be one. Says he…
Comments that mail was taking a log time to get across. Writes they were now stuck in camp until their five days Christmas leave and their December 48 hour passes had been stopped. Was hoping to get to Toronto next Sunday. Writes about getting a…
Mentions that he had a letter from his Canadian friends who told him that she had written to them and tanked her. Mentions he will be going to see them on his next 48 hour pass. Writes that he is getting five days leave for Christmas and they would…
Reports that mail situation was poor and he had not received any letters lately. Wished that he could have come home and seen them rather than staying in Canada. Writes that things were much the same there, flying, lectures and other duties. Mentions…
Mentions that her letters were probably being held up by censor. Writes he was enjoying the privileges of rank but was not too keen on his course. Sorry that he was not able to come home to see them all. Asks her to let him know if they want anything…
Writes he was settling into his new life and that his new course would last 14 weeks and would include lecturing. Says he had a good time in New York before returning to Toronto. Spend the remainder of leave with Canadian friends. Currently billeted…
Writes that he is thrilled with his promotion and although he would have loved to come home, was sure she would be happy that he was staying in Canada. Says he is on leave and spending time with Canadian friends. Wished she could have been at…