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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Number 148-35. Remind her of anniversary of event 5 years ago and that some more letters from her have arrived. Mentions playing violin and is delighted with photographs of daughter. Assures her that her letters are not trivial. Congratulates her on…

Number 179-36. Writes that local circumstances are very trying but he has received a letters from her. Also received a violin sent a year ago, case smashed and violin cracked but is still better than the one he had. He has little opportunity to…

He hopes she has been lucky with Christmas presents, as she is a very good girl. He mentions that she has grown up a lot since he left and is longing to see her.

Number 181-37. Writes that he has increased his pay allotment to her and mentions other financial matters. Lists request for items of clothing and other items which he would like her to send. Asks he to ask friends to send him tobacco, books and…

Wishes him a happy new year and relates a dream she had about the future. Writes of the difficulties of finding a maternity home and other possible plans of moving closer to him if he passes his course and can find out where he will be posted when he…

Writes of including fish balls which he should take to improve strength to cope with future. Mentions acquaintance who in the First World War was delayed from deploying so he could witness birth and suggests he should approach the adjutant to see if…

Writes thanking him for his letter and news. Comments that they seem to agree that she should try and move nearer him if he could stay in current location. Comments that air raids haven't been heavy in her location but acknowledging that he was…

Writes wishing him happy birthday an hopes that parcel she has sent arrives in the day. Mentions she is sending photograph album to remind him of events over year they have been married as well as other items (cigarettes, socks and cake). Writes that…

Writes how pleased she was to hear his voice on telephone and that it would be worth the cost of call. Mentions a parcel from him and talks of baby matters. Catches up with family issues. Tells of meeting of local fire watchers and resulting shift…

Writes thanking him for letter and sorry he has flu and not to meet her at station if he is ill. Talks of travel plans.

Writes of current frustration and housework issues and of socks she is sending him. Mentions she heard on radio that wives of servicemen can travel cheap on railways, but he needed to get a voucher from his unit. Comments on nursing home and…

Long letter where she deals with issues of her moving to be with him in Aberystwyth providing he has sorted accommodation and nursing home. Notes they will have two weeks together as he is due posting. Writes of her issues concerning their dog who…

Writes how she is looking forward to joining him in Aberystwyth and that she is working hard to get things ready. Mentions her activities and catches up with local news. Says all clear has gone a couple of times before midnight and discusses night…


Thanks him for letter and mentions arrival of washing and chocolate. Mentions negotiations about future affordability of gardener and work and crops required on allotment. Providers long discussion over pros and cons for future for gardener and…


Writes she is sorry he has not heard from her and details letters and parcel she has sent. Asks that he gives his opinion on the way forward with gardener. Relates her daily activities, shopping trips and baby preparations. Provides detailed list of…

Writes that they will soon be together. Mentions arrangements that have been made for their allotment. Hopes he has received parcel she sent with lanolin face cream. Talks about state of cleaning their house and catches up with news of family and…

Writes on her research on bathing babies. Talks of people visiting her and meeting man who is taking over their allotment and having difficulties with him over woman who Ursula had agreed to allow to collect current crop. Mentions arranging for…

Thanks him for letters and answering all her questions. Mentions his arrangements for her seem satisfactory and discusses various points. Writes of days activities and mentions his list of things she needs to do including sort out RAF pay and…

Thanks him for letter and railway pass, found out it is valid for 28 days. Discusses possible dates for her to travel and mentions contacting family to give them her new address.

Writes that she is sending him various oddments.Mentions seeing doctor and baby is fine. Announces she will definitely travel on 31 January and has made all arrangements to leave.

Writes that life is easier now that he has been posted and she can concentrate on baby. Writes of baby activities (feeding sleeping behaviour) as well as her own doings. Mentions family she is staying with are very friendly and helpful but still has…

Jokes about receiving and envelope from him with nothing inside and wasting 2 1/2 pence. Writes of difficulties over allotment, disposal of crops and correspondence with town hall. Mentions presents for baby and her activities. Writes of packing and…

Writes she is enclosing sisters latest letter and invite his comment. Thanks him for his letter and likes his descriptions of activities. Talks about his upcoming leaves, baby's activities and visit of district nurse. Mentions starting dress making…

Writes this is third letter she has written today and mentions her days activities going out into town. Discusses finances, her future plans and job. Hopes she will be able to live with him again someday but in the meantime bring daughter up in the…

Writes that butter arrived safely and that she is getting double rations because of the baby. Talks of baby's health and activities as well as what she herself has been doing.
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